The following links are provided as suggested resources
This site exists to provide resources to encourage and empower Christians as interact with God in their faith
Sermons & Sermon - Lectionary Resources
A high quality lectionary based pastoral resource for "Christians in and out of the institutional church" by Barry Robinson of "Fernstone" in Lion's Head, Ontario, Canada. Barry writes: "Keeping The Faith in Babylon... is a word of hope from a pastor in exile to those still serious about discipleship in a society (and, too often, a church) that has lost its way." This resource features a full sermon text, biblical resource materials, study questions and suggestions for further reflection and devotion. Samples and pricing information are available on the Web Page or directly from Barry at Recommended.
Moira Laidlaw's Orders for Worship, with hymns, prayers, inclusive language and creative ideas
Christopher Heaths Weekly Sermon and other resources
Barnabas Ministries Inc, founded in 1986, serves to encourage Christian leaders in Australia by way of providing live-in, guided retreats for leaders in designated accommodation near Canberra, as well as by way of training for retreat leadership, leading retreats for clergy and other leaders, and supplying Christian leaders with books and cassettes/CDs both for personal use and as worship resources..
Digistry is a commercial site providing a Lectionary based multimedia resource for Year B (with year C under development) The resource called Enhance provides you with 109 animations (2 for every week of the year) that involves original animated words, moving imagery and backing music. The animations were developed for call to worships, prayers, reflections on the bible reading and benedictions. Developed out of Queensland’s Wesley Mission Ipswich and The Youth and Children’s Ministry Unit. Cost is $250 AUD for churches with less than 100 members and $500AUD for churches with more than 100 members. You can use the resource for as long as you like and it is designed to work through your computer in conjunction with a data projector
Anna Grant - Henderson's home page
Anna has been teaching Hebrew Scriptures since 1984 and is at present a Lecturer in Old Testament Studies at Parkin-Wesley College and Flinders University, Adelaide. Her sites focus is on Old Testament/Hebrew Scriptures, which are used as the basis of preaching. It can be used as a supplement to more common web sites on the lectionary which tend to not look at the Old Testament readings in detail. Anne has three sons and lives in the hills on the edge of Adelaide.
Lliturgy: Christian worship and spirituality
An independent website serving individuals and communities seeking to have worship and spirituality that is vital, transforming, and faithful. It includes ecumenical, international material for worship, preaching, teaching, or a pew sheet, including reflections on translating Northern Hemisphere traditions for a Southern Hemisphere context.
CHURCH PowerPoint offers professionally designed, visually dynamic powerpoint images for worship services with and without titles for use by pastors and worship teams.
A site that provides hymn resources written during the last few years by Donald Bell (verse) and Maarten Ryder (music). Their hymns do not seek to break with the hymn tradition, so much as to grow out of it and extend it. For each hymn there is a choice of three files. The MELODY line with text is for congregational use. The ACCOMPANIMENT with text provides a full keyboard score for the musician. These can be downloaded in pdf format. The PLAY file can be downloaded to enable you to play the melody line on your computer. New works are added tothe site as they become available.