New Book now Available Here is an anthology of over 1100 brief prayers and thought-starters, for each day of the year, with almost 400 original prayers by Bruce Prewer. Included is both a subject index and an index of authors-- an ecumenical collection of about 300 different sources. |
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Title: Brief Prayers for Busy People. Author: Bruce D Prewer ISBN 978-1-62880-090-6 Available from Australian Church Resources, web site email or by order from your local book shop or online on amazon. |
Luke 16: 19-31
1: “Well I’ll be Damned?”)
1 Timothy 6: 6-19
Jeremiah 32:
1-3a & 6-15 (Sermon 2: “Some Jeremiah Real Estate”)
Psalm 91: 1-6
& 14-16
It’s time to lighten up, folks!
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God,
and the fellowship of the Holy
Spirit, be with you all.
And also with you.
We are travellers with Christ on the way to a
glorious future.
This church is a resting place where we can catch
our breath,
look together at the guide Book
for pilgrims,
pray for guidance on the road
and eat and drink from the
unique provisions
which our Lord has provided.
Make the most of it. Permit God to make the most of
Fellow children of God,
for any of you who despair
because they fear that life no longer has meaning,
for any who cling to anger
because it seems the only thing that keeps them going,
for any who are so lonely that
their hearts feel withered and desert-dry,
for any who have turned to
self-pity rather than to repentance and healing,
and for all those who come here
today contented and thankful for many blessings—
house of prayer is filled with
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
love of God,
the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
up, will you?
Glorious are you, Creator of heaven and earth;
Your handiwork
is all around us.
Glorious are you, Saviour of the lost,
Your words and
deeds are our light and salvation.
Glorious are you, loving Spirit of Truth,
You renovate
and enlarge the lives of your people.
God most wonderful, we worship and adore you.
Come my sisters and brothers, come with me in prayer
to the God who has mercy
and will abundantly pardon.
Let us pray.
Merciful God, we are not very good at making a adequate confession of our sin. Sometimes we don’t feel
particularly repentant about anything. At other times we can get guilty about
trivial matters, yet miss seeing the larger picture and our more grievous
Yet we realise that everything we think, feel and
do, becomes contaminated by the foolishness and evil around us and the folly
and evil within us.
Loving God,
you have been very patient with humanity.
continue with that saving patience.
Look upon and
within each of us as we bow before you.
Uncover and
reprimand everything that is evil and all that is second best.
Create in us a
spirit of honest repentance.
Enable us to
get rid of self justifications, and to make room for your forgiveness and
Dear Saviour Christ, please enlarge the healing work
you have commenced, and bring us nearer that hour when our liberation shall be
complete. For your love’s sake.
It is time to lighten up!
It is written for our encouragement and peace: “The
love of God is shown to us, in that while we were still sinners Christ died for
us.” My friends, believe this remarkable Gospel and
live with the liberty of Christ.
the Hungry
It really upsets me God,
when I see on the TV
the faces of starving children.
Help me, and all well-fed people,
to share what we have
with those who have much less
or even nothing at all.
In Jesus’s
“Prayers for Aussie Kids” Ó B D Prewer
& Open Book Publishers.
Dear God,
whenever I get down on myself,
or come on heavy against
will you please tell me to
lighten up?
Whenever I get self important,
talk big and try to impress
or think I am better than
please tell me to lighten up.
Whenever I worry too much
about bad things that can happen,
remind me of the love of Jesus
and tell me to lighten up.
Whenever I get guilty and gloomy,
about things I have done wrong,
or won’t even tell mum or dad,
give me the sense to confess
to you
and be able to lighten up.
Thanks God.
Talking to you does lighten things a lot.
Ó B.D.Prewer 2006
PSALM 91: 1-6 & 13-16
You who live with the Awesome Friend,
and rest in the
shade of God’s love,
shall say to the most Holy One:
“My Home, my Triune God in whom I trust.”
For God shall free you from cunning traps,
and save you from
threats to your soul.
feathers of grace shall cover your sins,
and divine wings
shall give you safe rest.
God-shielded, the night shall not frighten you,
covered by grace, no
arrow shall pierce you.
No midnight stalker shall harm your soul,
no midday threat
shall ever destroy you.
You shall stamp on beastly temptation,
you shall trample
the devil under your feet.
God shall save those who cling closely,
and lift up those
who call God’s name.
When we shout for help, you God, hear us,
when under
pressure, you will be with us.
You will make us content with a full life,
and display your
wonder-full love.
© B.D. Prewer 2000
Dives was a rich man of the East
who dined each day on a feast.
A wreck at his gate
would sit there and wait,
but Dives didn’t complain in
the least.
Dives never questioned his lot,
nor banned the man from that
he just drove in and out
without any doubt
that each deserved what he got.
Dives was a man of great style,
who wore a contented smile,
but the beggar’s foul smell
like an odour from hell,
made him close his door for a
© B.D. Prewer 2000
God our most certain Friend, your have displayed in
your Son Jesus that pure poverty which is eternal wealth. Heal your people from
the fever of wanting possessions, that enjoying what we truly need and sharing
from our abundance, we may experience that liberty which filled the soul of
Christ with unstoppable joy. For your love’s sake.
Luke 16: 26
\Between us
and you is a great gulf; we cannot pass over to your side,
and your side cannot cross over
to us.
The story of Dives and Lazarus, of the rich man and
the beggar at his gate, discomforts us; as it has every generation since Jesus
told it. It is a warning about the dire danger of wealth to the human
Affluence can desensitise us to the rights and needs
of other people. I would suggest that in 9 times out of 10, rich people hardly
notice the poor, and if they do, it is with a sense of irritation: “The are
wasters. They deserve what they get.” When money gets a hold on us, other human
beings cease to matter. Most shareholders of big companies do not know, nor do
they want to know, how much human misery pays them the handsome dividend.
Consider this quote from a letter. It is from an big engineering firm to a government agency.
“Following our verbal discussion
regarding the delivery of equipment of simple
construction for the burning of biological waste,
we now submit our plans for the ovens,
which are fired by coal and have hitherto
given satisfaction.”
Now that sounds like typical business letter,
doesn’t it. Well it was. It was all very tidy and efficient. I doubt
whether the man dictating it thought much about it. I doubt whether the typist
lost much sleep over it.
It happens to be a letter from the awful era of Nazi
rule in Germany. It is a tender to supply gas ovens in which to incinerate the
bodies of Jews and those other victims who were herded into death camps. When
profits are at stake, the most awful inhumanities can be covered with the
polite phrases of business practice.
Where money and possessions are
god, people do not matter. The affluent very quickly become desensitised to the
suffering of others. Then it is a case of “Well, I’ll be damned.”
In the parable of Dives and Lazarus, Jesus is trying to
get under our defences and confront us with the damnable disregard we have for
the less fortunate.
In it he uses some of the common imagery of Paradise
and Hades which was current at that time. He takes well known imagery and uses
it to paint a frightening picture of the significance of our disregard for the
The poor man
died and was carried by the angels to the embrace of Abraham. Then the rich man died and was buried. From
the torment of Hades he looked up and saw long way away Abraham and Lazarus
close beside him And he called out: Father Abraham have some pity and send
Lazarus to dip his finger in water and cool my tongue..
You will notice that Dives did not do anything to
harm the sore-covered beggar squatting by his front gate. He did not lay a
finger on him or order him to be moved on. Maybe he would even have been
content if a servant should take waste bread from his table (the bread on which
he had wiped his greasy or sugary hands) and gave some to the beggar.
Dives did not hurt the beggar. The community had
already done that most effectively. Dives just ignores him. But the rich man
acquiesced in that social structures through which he was maintained as a
wealthy man, yet others were kept ‘in their place’ down the socio-economic
scale. He was content with things as they were. They suited him very will,
thank you.
Day by day, centimetre by centimetre, the rich man’s
comfortable life style had been digging a trench between himself and the
have-nots of this world. A trench that widened and deepened into a great gulf:
a chasm in the eternal, moral order of things which nothing was likely to cross
in life, and nor in death.
Think about that gulf. Jesus wants us to think hard
about it.
Between us and
you is a great gulf; we cannot pass over to your side, and your side cannot
cross over to us.
A great gulf, huh?
Jesus is using a picture of the coming afterlife to
address the present moment. Jesus is saying: This selfishness is a damnable way
to live. It is damnable now, not just in the future.
It is self damnation; we dig the gulf ourselves. We
don’t need any jury to convict us, nor any judge to damn us. We damn ourselves
by our attitudes and choices. We damn ourselves by the things we do not do–
just as much as by the things we do. The parable is about self damnation.
There is a mighty gulf between indifference and
justice. A jawning chasm between
apathy and love.
There is a gulf between Hades and Paradise, which
runs right through our community.
The focus of the parable is on the rich man, not on
the poor man. The rich man and, later on, his affluent
brothers who continue to live in a way that damns them.
Who are these brothers and their sisters and their
children, and their children’s children? Are they among us today?
You may want to say: “Hey! Wait a moment. We are not
rich. That indictment might apply to Rupert Murdoch and Jamie Packer. It cannot
have anything to do with us.”
Not so fast, O ye of quick side steps! We may not be
rich compared to the top 12% of multi millionairess in Australia. But why, when
we talk about being poor or rich, do we compare ourselves with those above us
in wealth? Why not compare ourselves with those below us?
Compared with about 15% of Australians at the bottom
of the economic heap, nearly all of us here (maybe not all of us) are the
wealthy. Compared with 80% of the people
of the world, most of us are among the extremely wealthy.
So do not allow yourself to wriggle out from under
the heavy message of this parable. Even though it hurts, even though it raises
anxiety, even though we may not find any easy answers, please let this parable
confront us. I would far prefer that we
live with uneasiness and painful self examination, than to settle down into
that cushioned gulf-zone of insensitivity which is the world of the damned.
I wonder did you notice, according to the parable, what tough hides
the rich have? When Dives, trapped in Hades, wants someone to warn his 5
brothers, he looks for a messenger, a flunkey to carry a message to his
comfortable brethren.
Dives asks Abraham to send Lazarus back from the
dead to warn them. Did you get that
touch? Even in hell the rich man sees the poor as the servant of the rich. Even
from paradise they are expected to be at the beck and call of the rich in
Hades. Send back that beggar Lazarus from the dead to warn my brothers.
“No way”, says Abraham. “They already have the teaching of Moses and the prophets; that should
be enough”
However, rich men are not accustomed to being
refused. Dives argues: “But if a person
should come back form
the dead, they will repent.”
“Don’t fool yourself,” says Abraham. “Even if some one came back from the dead
they still would not repent.”
Resurrection will not change the attitude of those
who are self satisfied. The affluent are in a comfort zone, where calls to
repent will seem rather peripheral and irrelevant.
Where does this parable find us?
Is it a case of “Well I’ll be damned?”
I will not presume to answer that question on your
behalf. Nor I have the desire or
intention of berating you or condemning anyone.
Believe me, I have enough on my own plate in dealing
with my own soul on this matter..
Jesus leaves me wondering: Have I become so
insensitive that I now feel good and righteous about giving mere scraps to the
It makes me think about the chasm that can surely
open up between me and others less fortunate.
It warns me that I am capable of damning my own
soul, yet feeling very comfortable in it.
It cross examines my soul as to whether even though
Jesus has risen from the dead, am I still unrepentant?
What about you?
If this parable does not throw us back to grace;
where we cling to the mercy of God, and seek renewal, nothing else will. By
grace we can be saved from our own damnation, and set free to love others as
God intended.
Jeremiah 32:
Then Hanamel my cousin came to me in the prison compound with
the guards..... and said to me “Buy the field that is
at Anathoth in the land of Benjamin, for the right of
possession and redemption is yours.” I knew that this was the very word of the
So I bought
the field at Anathoth from Hanamel
my cousin. I weighed out the money to him, seventeen shekels of silver. I
signed the deed and sealed it, got witnesses and weighed out the money on the
What am I offered for a block of land in Jeremiah’s
Today I dare you to invest in some of Jeremiah’s
real estate.
But don’t expect to make a quick buck by quickly
selling it on at profit. With this kind of property you have to be willing to
be in it for the long haul. Keep your nerve and stay with it and I can promise
you that the final dividend will truly be out of this world!
A question: What on earth am I talking about?
Answer: I am talking about faith in God’s
faithfulness. Having faith in God’s faithfulness.
Let’s explore the situation in which Jeremiah found himself.
To start with, he is in detention.
It’s about the year 600 BC. This incident where the prophet buys a block
of land, actually happens in the prison compound with the guards looking on.
Why was he there?
Because Jeremiah has dared
to keep speaking the truth in the name of God in the face of official
condemnation. He attacked the decadence of his nation, both in religion, morals and
politics. He annoyed the rich and the powerful, and upset the boss– king
Zedekiah. They wanted to silence him.
His prophecies were not welcome.
He insists he speaks the word of God, warning that
the unrepentant nation has sinned against God so often, that now there is no
hope. The nation is under
judgement. They were going to lose the war against the army of
Babylon. At the very time when King Zedekiah and his “spin doctors” were trying
to bolster confidence among the people, Jeremiah preached doom.
You can understand the official anger.
This man Jeremiah was undermining the war effort.
(Vietnam? Iraq? Afghanistan?) The “war on terror?”) He
was a traitor, destroying the morale of the citizens. No wonder they had him
arrested and detained without trial. The fellow had it coming to him. What else
were rulers likely to do?
But Jeremiah kept on doing what God wanted,
proclaiming the truth and hoping against hope for some repentance. It did not
come. Jeremiah was mocked and abused. He was arrested and incarcerated.
We don’t know how many people shared Jeremiah’s
views. A silent minority, I guess. That is how it usually goes.
One person stood faithfully by him.
This was his secretary, a scribe named Baruch. If it
were not for Baruch keeping a record of what Jeremiah said and did, he may well
have sunk without a trace in the quicksands of history. Thanks to Baruch, two
and a half millennia later, we have a precious document of 52 chapters.
Chapters which testify to Jeremiah’s faithfulness, his rejection, his desolation and
his suffering.
Jeremiah purchased the land at Anathoth
at a bad time.
It was in the final period before the kingdom of
Judah fell to the Babylonians. We read that it happened in the 10th year of
Zedekiah’s reign, and in the 18th year of Nebuchadnezzar. At that time the
powerful army of the king of Babylon was besieging Jerusalem, and the city was
not far from collapse. In spite of the Jewish king’s propaganda efforts, most
citizens were in despair. Before long, many of them would be massacred, and
others taken prisoner and dragged off to captivity in Babylon.
You can be sure that the value of real estate had
fallen to zilch.
Cash and jewels which might buy diminishing food
supplies, or which could be hidden until after the city fell and some kind of
order was finally restored, was the only things of value. What good was land?
The Babylonians were taking it anyway.
Enter a wily cousin of Jeremiah. Hanamel.
This guy no doubt saw his dear cousin Jeremiah as a
religious nut, out of touch with reality. He decided to cash in on his cousin’s
naivety. He came to the prison and offered some family land at a price which,
before the war, would have been reasonable.
But God had already told Jeremiah of the scheme, and
asked him to buy the land anyway.
Why? To
declare God’s sovereignty!
Because to dare buy the land when everything was in
political and social disintegration, was to proclaim that God was still in
charge. The chastisement a faithless nation would be severe. Many years would
go by. Yet when the time was right, God would bring a remnant of the Jews back
to their homeland and to their holy city. In the long term, a remnant would
return to fulfil their special mission to bring the light of God to the whole
world. God would not give up.
To buy the land at Anathoth
was an act of incredible faith.
The current situation was disastrous but it was not
completely hopeless. God was in charge. Jeremiah paid the cash and had the
deeds to the land in his hands. The glorious future might be delayed because of
the infidelity of the chosen people, but it would not be annulled. Jeremiah
would not live to see the new day, but it was promised by a God whose words was never broken.
Thus says the
Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: “Take these deeds...... and place them in a
pottery jar, that they may last for a long time.”
For the Lord
of hosts, the God of Israel says: “Houses and fields and vineyards shall again
be bought in this land.”
Many nice folk seem to have lots of pretty faith
when things are going well.
But most of them will buckle and wobble when things
turn nasty. Too numerous are such good time Christians, the fair weather
Such “pretty faith” may not shake when disasters
happens elsewhere.
Misfortune in Eretria, or Bangladesh, or Guatemala,
does not matter. We even retain our Christian equanimity should people we once
met die in a plane crash in Turkey, or a road accident near Alice Springs.
Maybe our faith holds firm if neighbours or workmates are hit with disease,
unemployment, or serious accident.
But then, out of the blue, something grave happens
to us .
Or to those very dear to us,
and our “pretty faith” shatters and we turn bitter: “How can there be a loving
God when this happens to us! To hell with religion! To hell
with the church!”
The faith of Jeremiah was made of more resilient
The fear and desperation that stalked his people was
frightening. The catastrophic destruction, chaos and desolation that was to engulf them was absolutely hideous. Yet Jeremiah
remained true to his God and paid 17 shekels for a block of land in Anathoth.
For the Lord
of hosts, the God of Israel says: “Houses and fields and vineyards shall again
be bought in this land.”
We, the very privileged people of Australia, may be
a bit more shaky than we used to be. Perhaps many are
not sleeping as easily as we did before the destruction of the World Trade
Centre in New York, or the bombing of the night club in Bali which annihilated
so many Australian lives, or the recent riots by Islamic extremists in Sydney.
have the jitters.
But isn’t this a very good time to buy a block of
Jeremiah’s land?
Not literally of course. I mean it is a great time
we put out faith in God’s faithfulness (and not waste it on expecting salvation
from our favourite political parties)
Nothing is assured around us in the work of human
“Put not your trust in princes or in any son of
man.” Socially and politically and economically, nothing fixed and permanent.
Only God is totally reliable. Trust nothing except God’s love and the promise
that the best is yet to come.
The ultimate purposes of God stand.
They are not subject to the vicissitudes. of violent human behaviour or natural catastrophes like
cyclone, earthquake or tsunami. What God has commenced here on earth will one
day be accomplished. Every moment of the day and night, through every year and
throughout each
millennium, the Spirit of the living God is at work among us. God
will not be denied.
Jeremiah did not have the advantage that we have in
this Christian era.
We are more fortunate. God has once and for all
shown by the crucified Jesus how even the gravest human evil can be transformed
into light and hope and wonderful joy! Each Sunday is an Easter celebration of
the triumph of purpose over chaos, of love over evil, of joy over misery and
Today I dare you to invest, or maybe reinvest, in
some of Jeremiah’s real estate.
But don’t expect to make a quick buck by quickly
selling it on at profit. With this kind of property you have to be willing to
be in it for the long haul. Keep your nerve and stay with God’s faithfulness
and I can promise you that the final profit will truly be out of this world!
In God’s name I goad you to take the glorious risk.
We don’t even have to put up the 17 shekels that the
prophet paid his wily cousin. The price has been paid, in full, by the Friend
of sinners. The deeds to this Divine real estate are ours for all time and
It’s time to lighten up
Yes God!
God of Jesus
and our God!
This mysterious, resilient Presence that we call God.
This benign Energy coursing through the veins of the universe.
This sublime Purposefulness which fills all things.
This cascading
Love leaping over all barriers
This pure Grace seeking the lost and ruined with renovating ecstasy.
This living
God, above all, in all and through all,
who is on our side, forever for
Who has
ordained that in every moment
as we take up our status
as children of the Most High
all joy breaks out among the
angels of heaven.
We may fear we
are ordinary,
or even less than ordinary,
but we are in fact the
extraordinary recipients
of a Creator-Redeemer who
never gives us up
as a lost cause.
It’s time to lighten up!
Yes God!
God of Jesus
and our God!
We believe!
My friends, God does not demand our thanks, but life
is so rich with good things, that for us to keep silent would be a gross
Let us pray.
We thank you, Holy Friend, for your open handed
catering for our needs in body, mind
and soul.
We thank you, most Holy Friend.
That at our birth there are mothers and fathers, to
nurse, provide, and nurture.
We thank you, most Holy Friend.
That when we hunger there
are the good fruits of the earth to satisfy us.
That if we feel vulnerable there are friends, neighbours, pastors
and counsellors.
We thank you, most Holy Friend.
That in our thirst for learning there are teachers,
libraries and our own amazing minds.
That with our success come celebrations, and in our
failures, support from loved ones.
We thank you, most Holy Friend.
That in our sinning there is Christ Jesus our
That in our timidity there is the breath and fire of
your Holy Spirit.
That in our living and dying, around us there are
always your everlasting arms.
We thank you, most Holy Friend.
In the name of Christ Jesus;
A poet once wrote: “No man is an island.” Our lives
intersect with a host of others. Lovingly,
us now pray for them.
We pray, loving God, for the blessing of your Spirit
on all kinds of people with their widely diverse needs.
Your blessing, please,
on the sick and those who
nurse them,
on workers and those who
employ them,
on the unemployed and those
who stand by them,
Your blessing, please,
on the hungry and those who
feed them,
on refugees and those who
welcome them,
on drug addicts and those who
treat them,
and the sorrowing and those who
comfort them.
Your blessing, please.
Pour your Holy Spirit on these folk
for whom we have prayed,
and also on the many who never
catch our eye
or make it into our prayers.
Through Christ Jesus our
Divine Brother.
© B.D.Prewer 2010
It time to lighten up.
Continue your journey with confidence.
Keep faith with God, for God keeps faith with you.
The Christ who
has called us
is able the complete that
which he has begun.
May God shield you in every steep place,
May Christ steady you on every rough path,
May Spirit go with you through every dark pass.
Ancient Celtic blessing)