New Book now Available Here is an anthology of over 1100 brief prayers and thought-starters, for each day of the year, with almost 400 original prayers by Bruce Prewer. Included is both a subject index and an index of authors-- an ecumenical collection of about 300 different sources. |
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Title: Brief Prayers for Busy People. Author: Bruce D Prewer ISBN 978-1-62880-090-6 Available from Australian Church Resources, web site email or by order from your local book shop or online on amazon. |
Luke 7:36 to 8:3....
1: “Letting Her Hair Down’)
Galatians 2: 15-21... (Sermon 2: “The Bottom Line”)
1 Kings 21: 1-10 & 15-21a....
Psalm 5:1-8
This house
of prayer is a hospital offering free grace.
We gather
not to
establish our credentials but to learn our needs,
not to
justify ourselves but to admit we are sorry,
not to
cling to the familiar but to risk the unfamiliar,
not to seek
respite from reality but to meet pure Reality,
not to
enjoy our own decency but to worship a holy God,
not to
practice positive thinking but to be caught up in God’s joy.
The grace of
Christ Jesus be with your all.
And also with
OR -
In the abundance of God’s sure love, we enter this
In awe and reverence, we will worship in God’s
We come not
because we have to but because we want to.
Through Christ, we have died to rules and
We no longer
eke out our lives, for the abundant life of Christ is with us.
In the abundance of God’s sure love, we enter this
In awe and
reverence, we will worship in God’s temple.
Loving God,
we are glad that you have drawn us together again.
We come as a
motley people from a motley world, seeking that abundant love
which does not count our follies or number our sins.
Help us to
delight in your free grace more than birds love the air and fish love the sea.
Give us an
eager desire to worship you wholeheartedly, and to serve you
without conditions or selfish expectations.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
My friends, it is written: All have sinned and
fallen short of the glory of God. Let us make our confession.
Let us pray.
For the
occasions when we measure success by the number of times we get our own way.
Lord have mercy on me a
Lord have mercy.
For the times when we measure happiness by the number and price of our
Christ have mercy on me a sinner..
Christ have mercy on me..
For the days when we measure our faith by the number of people who
speak well of us.
Lord have mercy on me a
Lord have mercy on me..
Holy God, we
thank you for our Saviour, Christ Jesus, who
uncovers our foolishness,
exposes our self-deceits, and offers us an overflowing cup of
saving grace.
Please loosen the knots of anxiety, or the shackles
of pride, which might hold us back from receiving your grace with open hearts
and minds.. Enable us to take up your salvation and
live with the debonair delight of those who are forgiven and set free.
Through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
That’s it! We are forgiven and set free! “If we
confess our sins God can be trusted to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all
Thanks be to God!
More of Jesus’ Love
Dear God, we may be young,
and at times we rush into
things without thinking,
but we are not stupid.
We know that Jesus is the best thing
that has ever happened to this
We know that if everyone would just show more of his
then most of the world’s big
troubles would go away.
We also know that unless you help us every minute,
we will not be able to love
very well at all.
So please come into our hearts,
and change us from the inside
PSALM 5:1-8
Please hear
what I want to say, God;
recognise the
uproar of my misery .
Listen to
the sound of my outcry
my Friend and my
to you alone can
I pray.
As dawn
breaks, you hear my voice;
in the morning I
pray and anticipate.
You’re not
some god who enjoys crime,
evil may not
pitch its tent with you.
Big egos
cannot stand to be in your sight,
and all scumbags
disgust you.
You make
sure that liars shall perish,
you will not
tolerate fraud and murder.
It is only
through your unfailing love
that I dare
enter your house.
I will face
your Holy Table
and worship you
in deep awe.
Please lead
me, God, in your just ways;
in spite of all
the foes around me
set your
straight path in front of me.
© B.D. Prewer 2000
Did you see
her slip in
by backdoor from
the street,
the prophet accept her
to tear-wash his
Did you see
the proud host
draw back with a
the woman of faith
towelled with
her hair?
Did you see
holy fire
as he rebuked
the bore,
the woman so grace-full
leave by the
front door?
From “Beyond Words”
© B.D. Prewer & JBCE
God our most holy Friend, please assist us to cherish
the deep salvation which you have began in us. Save us
from the lure of those shallow things which win the praise of the world. You
have called us to be people of grace; let us express grace in all our affairs. Through Christ Jesus our Saviour.
Luke 7: 38
She put herself beside Jesus’ feet, crying and
wetting his feet with her tears.
Then she dried his feet with her hair, kissed them,
and poured perfume over them
A decent
woman never let her hair down in public. Never. And no
decent many would evr alow
her near him.
The decent
woman would only let down hair in the privacy of the bedroom, in the company of
her husband.
But of
course this was not a decent woman. She had a bad reputation among the
righteous women of the town. Letting down the hair was one of the tricks of the
trade to excite prospective customers. (I would be prepared to wager that some
of town’s “righteous” husbands had, at close quarters, seen this woman’s flowing hair on
previous occasions.)
Plainly it
was scandalous that this unclean woman should dare to enter the house of a
righteous Pharisee named Simon. It was scandalous that she knelt by the feet of
the guest of honour and wet his feet with her tears. It was scandalous that she
loosed her hair and used it to wipe his feet. It was scandalous that she poured
her perfume (perfume always being a key tool of trade for the “oldest
profession on earth”)
over the feet of Jesus.
Everyone was
much offended; everyone that is, except Jesus.
recognised this action as profound gratitude and pure love. It would appear
that either this woman had previously been counselled by Jesus, or she had
responded to his preaching and found saving grace. This was a “thank you” for
the healing and liberation of that he had given her. We can be certain of this
by the words which Jesus spoke to Simon; “Her
great love shows that her many sins have been forgiven”. And later to her: “Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.”
How would I
react in a similar situation? How would you react? I would like to think that we might show a
little of the understanding Jesus exhibited. But for myself I doubt it.
If I were
the guest of honour at a party with respectable people, and a known prostitute
in heavy make up and mini skirt, gate-crashed and with obvious affection
attached herself to me, I would be highly embarrassed.
I would be afraid (and maybe justifiably afraid) of what others might be
thinking. Like: “Uh Huh! How come Bruce is on such good terms with a
hooker? What kind of a sleazy life does
he live when not fulfilling his public role as a Minister?”
The amazing
thing is that Jesus seems to have no embarrassment. His love for others was so
profound that his thoughts were not on himself but on her. She was the one that
mattered. My embarrassment, and I suspect yours, would be because we are worry
about what others might think of us. We are slaves to
public opinion, or at least to the opinion of the “nice people” of our
community or church. He was free of that bondage.
I reckon we
are so screwed up about our own reputation , that it
gets in the way of evangelism, pastoral care, and social justice. It gets in
the way of making a public stand with disadvantaged people like the indigenous
people of this land. We are too susceptible to what others might think.
Jesus does
not even try to defend his reputation after the event. For example he does not
say to the scandalised Simon:
“You must surely realise, Simon, that we who are public figures have to put up with
messy and embarrassing situations.”
Or maybe, “Simon, don’t you go jumping to
the conclusion that this unfortunate woman is a close friend of mine. It’s
nothing like that.”
Jesus does not even fall back on the old
theme: “Please take note, Simon, we must hate the sin but love the sinner.”
Jesus is
focussed on the woman and her brave action of gratitude. She is central. She is
loved just as she is. He stands up for
her and gives no excuses to temper the disgust of the good living people at the
party. Here we witness real divine-love; purest agape. This is the cathartic
love which God has for us all.
I would like
you now to notice some sharp contrasts that were highlighted at that dinner
The woman
recognised her need and saw where she could get help.
She could
let her hair down in the company of Christ and know that he would understand.
The first step in any rehabilitation is facing up to the truth about ourselves. An alcoholic or a
addicted gambler cannot be helped until they face the truth about their
addiction. The same thing applies to any of our mental and spiritual ills. The
woman had that integrity of spirit which enabled her to face herself
and to be healed and liberated by Jesus.
In contrast
there is Simon the good Pharisee.
Please don’t be too hard on the
Pharisees; they were among the best people in the land. They worked very hard
at being good. God mattered and holiness in God’s sight was most important to
them. Simon would have put enormous effort into doing the right thing. However,
Simon (like so many good people) was self-satisfied with his own goodness and
despised others who did not live a similar, good life. He saw them as weak
willed, scatterbrained, easily corrupted, hopeless fools. In his eyes, bad
people brought all their troubles on themselves.
The self
righteous can lose an awareness of their own deep need for forgiveness and
grace. Simon could never let his hair down. Many Pharisees assumed their God
was well pleased with them. They deserved his blessing. They had earned their
place in God’s kingdom. They did not need free grace.
Which meant, tragically, that Jesus was not able to help such people. As Jesus
said to Simon: “The person who asks for
only a little forgiveness, does not have much love to show. But the person who
knows there is much to be forgiven, can receive much forgiveness.” And then
overflow with love toward others.. The prostitute is
full of love, but Simon’s love is meagre. The woman had a large cavity in her
being for grace. Simon had scant room for grace.
I guess I
had better ask myself and you: Do you and I recognise our need of Christ’s
metaphorically, are we willing to let our hair down in the presence of Christ?, Do we have room for the grace of Christ Jesus? What does
our performance, our love, reveal about our spiritual health?
Two ways to
go: Are we uptight, moral-rectitude people? Or the relaxed
live-by-grace people?
The first
way is a bondage. The second is liberty and joy
She knelt beside Jesus at his feet, crying and
wetting his feet with her tears. Then she dried his feet with her hair, kissed
them, and poured perfume over them.
Galations 2:15-21
right-living is achieved through doing the right thing, then Christ died for
Grace is the bottom line.
And the top line.
And the middle line.
Free grace is all that ultimately matters; God’s
saving activity in Christ Jesus. Christ does for us what we cannot do for
ourselves. That is the only way we will ever get it right. Our sole
righteousness is through faith. Right living flows from the lives of those who
are the children of God’s free grace. Grace is the bottom line.
I have on my study shelves a little book of unusual
One claims to be a prayer from a lay preacher in the
Highlands of Scotland: “Lorrrd, gie
us a guid conceit o’ oorrsel’s.”
That little prayer is very sensible.
It asks “give us.” Give? A gift is the only
way. If you and I are to have a
steadfast, good opinion of ourselves it can only come as a gift from God. Gratis.
Self-validation does not work very well.
All busy and arduous attempts to prove ourselves
worthwhile will let us down. To build
our self worth on things we can achieve is like building life on a geophysical
fault line.. No matter how high or extensive or
decorative or admired is our building, it will not give security. There are
times when we will tremble and shake, or worse.
Money, power, reputation,
popularity, do not give the peace
and security that the soul
desires. Film stars, pop idols,
political movers and shakers, do not have the key to the door of well being.
Good deeds, religious rectitude, leave us vulnerable.
Biblical knowledge, devout church attendance and
prayers six times a day, cannot ground us in contentment. There are people who
at considerable effort have been morally good since childhood, yet who are
miserable at heart.
Paul was one of the good guys.
Above all other of those early Christian writers,
the Apostle Paul had a fierce grip on this truth. He had once been a morally
pernickety and religiously punctilious Pharisee. None better. He has worked
hard at it. He was zealous in all his righteousness. If any person could,
through sheer effort, have created a good opinion of himself, it was Paul.
Paul had a better track record than many.
Paul was not a rough, swearing fisherman like Peter,
breaking many of the sub-clauses in the law of Moses.
He was not a tax collector like Matthew, working for the hated occupying army
of Rome. He was not a political zealot like the other Simon, dedicated to
terrorism. Paul (first known as Saul) was a truly good man. In terms of moral and
spiritual effort he had nothing to be ashamed of. He had given it his best
However, he remained a man at war with himself.
He was anxious and unfulfilled in his own
righteousness. Then when he was confronted by an appearance of the risen
Christ, and trusted his heart and soul to the Lord, Paul was given the gift of
self-worth. He knew the joy of being named as worthwhile by God; an adopted
child of God with all the privileges of the household of God. Simply by faith. Simply by trusting God’s free grace in Christ Jesus. he was okay. So he wrote:
right-living is achieved through doing the right thing, then Christ died for
At least on one occasion, Paul became impatient with
Given his own background, no wonder Paul became annoyed
with Cephas.
There was a critical contest in the early church between Gospel and law.
It was a power struggle between those who thought Christians had to first
become good moral and religious Jews, and those who believed Christ was all
that mattered. Peter came across to Antioch on a visit to the church community
there, and before long he started to give in to the scruples of those who put
the law first. At a meeting of the church Paul challenged and rebuked Peter
It was a watershed in the development of
The two greatest Apostles face to face. Fortunately
for us, Paul won the day. And as far as we can gather, Peter acknowledged his
error, and later at a church council held in Jerusalem, Peter himself supported
Paul’s view. The basis of Christian life was not doing the right thing but
utterly abandoning oneself to the free mercy of God. The bottom line was the
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
That is remains true today.
Our only abiding, never shifting, source of well
being, is God’s love. Especially that love expressed in the
redeeming grace of Christ on the cross. The words ‘grace’ and ‘cross’
are never far apart in Paul’s preaching. We are worthwhile because God loves us
without conditions. And there is no more unconditional love than that holy
The peace of God cannot be bought.
There is not any good work to be done, no religious
ritual to be observed; no costly penance to be made. Just the
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. That is the only ground that supports
our weight and will never tremble or shift.
I cannot promise God to be a good person, can you?
We cannot promise to never fail in living out the
teaching of Christ. We will not always love others are much as we should, and
never love God with the undivided devotion of mind and heart and will. But we
do not have to. We only need to do what we can and rest the weight of our
flawed being on the mercy of God.
“You, O Christ
are all in all, more than all in you I find.”
Does that mean it doesn’t matter what we do?
Of course it matters! Christ has set the bar higher
than any who came before him. With the help of the Spirit, we try to emulate
him. But what we achieve, or fail to achieve, does not impinge upon the core of
our peace.
Christ is our peace; his welcoming grace; God’s love
in and through him.
Lose that and we lose the lot.
right-living is achieved through doing the right thing, then Christ died for
Why am I pressing hard on this point?
Not to win some intellectual assent, I assure you. I
press it because we are at risk. Some may be in danger of spending all their
life in church circles, yet never letting go of self-justification and
discovering the simple gift of faith. Others once in the past may have found
that core peace, but bit by bit they may have exchanged it for good works and
Why live like slaves when we can be the liberated
members of God’s own family?
Self-validation is doomed to fail. God-validation is a triumph of grace.
I need to allow this grace embrace me every day. So do you. It is so full, so
rich, so free!
Faith is a gift of God, new every morning.
Gift. All gift.
Pure gift. “Lorrrd, gie us a guid conceit o’ oorsel’s.”
You, O holy
One, you are the Saving Truth to whom we give thanks,
just for your tenderness but also your rugged ways.
You are the
blessed enemy
of our fears and
You are the
intolerant grace
that breaks the
bands of constricting self-interest.
You are the
hostile word
that assaults
and shatters the hardening shell of apathy.
You are the
powerful “No!”
to the ways of
You, dearest
are our healing
and hope, now and for eternity.
gratitude and thanksgiving,
joy, love,
praise and service,
belong to you
Through Christ Jesus our Saviour.
Prewer. Adapted from “Brief Prayers” Vol 3.`
God is more
ready to listen than we are to intercede for those needy folk among us or
around us.
Let us pray.
Please help
us, most loving God, to be set free from worrying about our rights or
reputation. Make your church a more inclusive community, where the free grace
of Jesus is treasured and shared and unconditionally celebrated..
We pray for
those who have fallen to sexual temptation, and who are now scorned by family,
neighbours or old friends. Loving God hear us.
Loving God, please save us all.
We pray for
politicians who began with enthusiasm but later have become corrupted by status
and power, and are now hollow and cynical. Loving God hear us.
Loving God, please save us all.
We pray for
wealthy people who at first wanted more so that they could help others more,
but have now become the victims of a burgeoning greed. Loving God hear us.
Loving God ,please save us
We pray for
common folk who get shut out of decision-making, and
minor nations that are pawns in the power-play of super-powers. Loving God hear
Loving God, please save us all.
We pray for
the poor who cannot afford the best medical care or buy adequate legal counsel,
and those among the unemployed who have no prospect of work. Loving God hear
Loving God, please save us all.
We pray for
all the folk who are deeply worried, depressed, confused, afraid, sorely
tempted, ashamed, suffering or sorrowing. Loving God hear us.
Loving God, please save us all.
We pray for
the church in its many denominations, and especially for any who have grown
arrogant, self serving, apathetic or misguided. Loving God hear us.
Loving God, please save us all.
God our
inclusive Friend, in your gracious wisdom edit our prayers, and use them for
that extensive purpose and pattern which is beyond our comprehension.
Through Jesus Christ our
Go and tread
gently on the face of God’s earth;
travel lightly yet be replete;
resourceful yet allow others to help you;
strong in your faith yet gentle with the faith of others;
humbly where some swagger,
hold your head high should unbelievers scorn you.
We are heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ
In the name
of the Creator, Saviour and Inspirer, I bless you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy
we are very blessed.