New Book now Available Here is an anthology of over 1100 brief prayers and thought-starters, for each day of the year, with almost 400 original prayers by Bruce Prewer. Included is both a subject index and an index of authors-- an ecumenical collection of about 300 different sources. |
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Title: Brief Prayers for Busy People. Author: Bruce D Prewer ISBN 978-1-62880-090-6 Available from Australian Church Resources, web site email or by order from your local book shop or online on amazon. |
20:19-31 (
Sermon 1” “The Breath of Forgiveness”)
Psalm 150
Acts 5:
1:4-8 (Sermon 2: Ruler of the
Kings of the Earth?”
Christ is risen!
is risen indeed!
When the
disciples saw the Lord,
they were very joyful.
The joy of
the Lord Jesus be with you all.
And also with you.
OR -
Grace to you and peace,
from the Alpha and Omega, the A
and the Z,
who is, and who was, and who is
to come;
from Jesus Christ, the faithful
witness, the first-born of the dead,
To Christ who loves us and liberates us by his
and makes us priests of his God
and Father,
Be glory, and
dominion, forever and ever.!
God of
Easter surprises, on this first day the week we are drawn together
by the power of
the crucified and risen Lord Jesus.
breathe into our being your Spirit of mercy, that we be
ready to forgive
and liberate one
another for a life of uninhibited service and praise.
In the name of Christ Jesus our Saviour.
Jesus came and stood among them saying: “Peace be with you”. Then the disciples were overjoyed as they
looked upon the Lord.
My friends,
we are in the presence of amazing grace. Let us without fear
seek the Lord’s
forgiveness and renovation of attitude and thought.
Let us
Because in
unpremeditated moments we do and say hasty things which we live to regret,
and become
frustrated with our impatience and insensitivity, we pray:
Lord have mercy.
Lord have mercy.
Because in
our wilful moments we, with premeditated stupidity, and we undertake
courses of action which are bound to hurt others and degrade ourselves, we pray:
Christ have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Because we
allow our minds and hearts to become clogged with unrepentant guilt
and damnable
excuses, and thereby leave scant room for grace, we pray:
Lord have mercy.
Lord have mercy.
----silent prayer----
Who is in a
position to condemn us? Only Christ; and he comes not
to condemn the world but to save it. He is our peace.
Christ died for us.
Christ rose for us.
Christ lives to intercede for us.
My friends, Its all true! In Christ Jesus you are forgiven. Take courage, inhale the breath of Christ, that you may be able
to forgive yourself and then go on to love your neighbour as your now love
To the glory of God, Amen!
The Risen Jesus
Dear God,
thank you for making Jesus come
and for letting him visit his
especially honest Thomas.
Help us to trust you
more than we believe our fears,
and like Thomas
to love you all of our lives.
Praise God!
Praise God in this house of prayer;
Give praise throughout the mighty universe.
Praise God
for the saving deeds of Christ;
Give praise for such exceptional love.
Praise God
with the blast of trumpets;
Give praise with guitar and keyboard.
Praise God
with timbrel and dance;
Give praise with violin and flute.
Praise God
with drums and cymbals;
Give praise with thundering organ.
everything that draws breath, praise God;
Praise, yes praise our wonderful God!
I know “dead.”
I’ve seen “dead”
and smelt it almost every day of my life.
Disease and accident and violence;
so much brutality in this poor country
which the old ones, ever euphemistic,
call “the promised land.”
Death is the bloody monster
which stalks and stabs and crucifies
without hint of conscience
or vestige of respect.
I know dead.
Dead is dead
and evermore shall be so!
Pax Romana?
Good grief!
I’ve lived
with Roman bloodiness
ever since I was a child.
The stomp of soldiers boots
and the barked orders of a
All those bodies hanging on crosses outside our
and the swift revenge the
the Iscari,
hand out in dark alleys.
Here in “the promised land”
death is as ugly as it gets.
Don’t give me that crap
about celestial fields and
Heaven is for fairy stories.
It’s garbage served up as
for weak minds and faint
He’s dead; bloody well dead!
My light, my christ is dead.
Jesus is dead, dead,
And the quicker we all accept
the fact the better.
Not that “better”
has much meaning any more.
The peace of Christ?
Or Pax Romana?
It’s pax
Romana that rules!
His way seemed better, brighter,
but theirs’ is stronger.
once and for all.
I knew it was coming, of course.
Way back down the road, I
knew it.
While Peter was blathering on
about suffering being impossible,
while James and John
indulged their dreams of coming
and while faithful Mary held to
her trust
that such love could never fail
to win the day,
I knew then that Jesus
was as good as dead meat
Yet I rallied them, didn’t I?
Set off up the road with him
towards Mt Zion
and that inexorable, Golgotha
O I’d like to believe!
Right now I would
desperately like
to be able to say that
everything is okay.
I hunger for belief as much as anyone.
Like Peter and the others I
want to grab for the hope
that Jesus’ life has .. somehow expanded
beyond the grave, into the whole
What a wonderful universe it could then become!
O my God!
I’d love to see that for
Then everything would be going somewhere,
and his God would be eternally
and we would no longer be
shivering in the eternal cold.
Then I would hold nothing back.
I would go the whole way
with him.
Without hesitation.
Anything, anywhere!
But no. I must stick to the facts.
All else is delusion, and
delusion is madness.
Jesus is dead, butchered like any foul criminal.
“Cursed is anyone who hands
on a tree.”
I must build my tomorrows
on the unyielding rock of
That’s all I have.
That’s all there is.
Maybe I could salvage a little bit of something from
His lovely stories about how
we should treat each other,
They’ll still stand, won’t they?
I don't need him alive and around
to believe that, surely?
Isn’t truth still truth,
irrespective of rewards and outcomes?
But then again, who is to say
what is truth and goodness?
if Jesus and what be believed
is now on the eternal scrap heap?
Maybe Jesus’ way was just misguided kindness,
an “out” for those who cannot
the brutality and
meaninglessness of life?
Maybe he knew that too,
but wanted to give the common
a comfort to hold on to
in a miserable existence?.
What if Pax Romana., survival of the strongest,
is the only truth we must deal
Then maybe old Moses’ “eye for and eye and a tooth
for a tooth”
is far more valid in this real
than “love your enemies?”
What dare I salvage from Jesus
if death completely annulled
as surely as it annuls a dog
and a flea?
O what an absurdity I am!
But just give me one fact,
one incontrovertible fact,
some sustainable evidence,
that shows Jesus is still Jesus
and my whole world would be
and I would go to the end of
the world for him
without hesitation
and gladly name him
my lord and my God!.
B D Prewer Ó 2003 & 2012
God of the
living and the dead, please immerse us in resurrection life. Give us the desire
to be patient as you have been patient with us, to be merciful with doubters as
you are merciful, to encourage and enable those who waver, even as you have
encouraged us. Through Christ Jesus our risen Lord.
John 20:21-23
said to them:” Peace be with you. As the Father sent
me, so I am sending you”.
saying this, he breathed on them and said;” Receive the Holy Spirit.
If you
forgive people’s sins, they stand forgiven. But if you withhold forgiveness,
they will remain unforgiven.” John 20:21-23
The BREATH stands for the Holy Spirit, the Soul-force of Christ. In those words “he breathed on them,” we hear echoes of the beginning of the Bible, where God breathed into the clay nostrils of the strange sculpture he had shaped from mud, and brought to life a human being. That was the first, old creation. Now we have the new creation. Jesus breathes the invigorating life of the Spirit into the nostrils of the disciples.
notice how in the words of Jesus the gift of his Spirit is for the ministry
of going out into the world (So I am
sending you) to share
the grace of Christ. A ministry of
reconciliation. Forgive others and they are forgiven, withhold mercy
and people are bound in their guilt.
sections of the church have interpreted this passage as an exclusive gift to
the first male Apostles. They see it as the ordaining of a new, exclusive, male
priesthood to a sacrament of reconciliation.
I differ on this point. I see it as the ordaining of the whole people of
God (male and female, lay and clergy), for the ministry of reconciliation. I believe that whether we realise it or not,
we are in the business of loosing or binding sins.
A friend of
mine, a truly lovely older brother named Allan, was touring in England. Among his delights was visiting not just
cathedrals, but village churches which were steeped in generations of the joy
and sorrow of ordinary Christians. Arriving in one village, he headed for the
parish Church, opened the door and stepped into its secluded beauty.
Near the
back of the building, a man was kneeling and weeping. Without saying a word, my
friend went and kneeled a few paces away. When with a
heavy sigh the villager sat up, Allan put his hand gently on the man’s shoulder
and said: “My friend, you seem to be doing it tough. Can I be of any
assistance?” The stranger, recognising
genuine compassion, blurted out his story. Ten years earlier when he was in his
late teens, he had committed a crime, was arrested, tried and sentenced. He had
been free for nine months. But he still fell terribly ashamed and came (not on Sunday
with others) but alone during each week, to pray for the Lord’s help.
Allan said:
“But God forgives you. Forgives you utterly. You know
that, don’t you? You don’t need to pray alone, you should be here on Sunday
with other Christians .”
The stranger
commenced to sob again, and then whispered: “Yes, I know God forgives me, but
the people in my church and village do not. Until they do, I am trapped with a
feeling of ongoing disgrace. I cannot face them on Sunday. That is why I come
here alone to pray during the week.”
With that
poignant story in our minds, let us again hear the words of Jesus: If you forgive people’s sins, they stand forgiven.
But if you withhold forgiveness, they will remain unforgiven.
As the
representatives of Christ Jesus, those on whom he breathes his Spirit, we are
all in the business of either forgiving or binding sins.
I am not
talking about a legal right to blot out or retain black marks in some judgement
book in heaven. I am talking about the nitty gritty of what is happening here
and now. What really happens in our relationships. As
the only visible body that Christ now has on earth, the churches are constantly
offering forgiveness or withholding it, loosing or binding. We either make real
the forgiveness of Christ to each other or we tie up each other more tightly in
the bonds of guilt.
I do not
wish to discount his other word about retaining sins. But if you
withhold forgiveness, they will remain unforgiven.”
If we model ourselves on Jesus, there are times when we must confront
others with the hard truth. Refuse to
let them off lightly. Jesus did that with some of the Pharisees; he attacked
their self righteousness and at times their damning insincerity. Where there is
evil arrogance, sins are to be retained.
But the
overwhelming ministry of Jesus was in releasing people from their guilt,
alienation, or sense of worthlessness. He was a friend of taxgatherers
and sinners, prostitutes and lepers. He
asked his followers to spread similar mercy to those around them. When Peter
asked him: ‘How many times should I forgive a brother who sins against me? As much as seven times?” Jesus answered: “Seventy times
seven.” That is, go on forgiving.
It is this
same Jesus who on the evening of the resurrection day, breathed on them and said: If you forgive people’s sins, they stand forgiven. But if you withhold
forgiveness, they will remain unforgiven.
Jesus was
big on forgiveness. Such is the ministry handed to us. We cannot avoid it. It
is real. It happens in every church in the land, from Wagga Wagga
to Picadilly and from Mitta Mitta
to Fifth Avenue NY . It happens here in this
congregation. Our key ministry is to be one of grace, of mercy, of liberation.
the church through the centuries has got caught up in the blame game. We have
been more vigorous in retaining sins than in loosing them. The church has
traded on guilt. Far too often we clergy have used it to motivate people into
doing what is right in ecclesiastical eyes. I find it incredibly sad that
numbers of people serve the church like slaves rather than as the liberated
brothers and sisters of Jesus of Nazareth.
But not only
the clergy have played on guilt. Members of congregations do it to each other,
and with their ministers and priests. The blame game is a disease from which
Christ died to save us. Yet it festers on. We are often much harder on each
other than Christ is. That man weeping
in a village church in England, is a more dramatic
manifestation of what goes on in numerous churches around the world.
Let’s not
talk in generalities. How are we doing?
How much forgiveness operates here in our
midst? How merciful is this congregation? How much loosing of sins do I offer
in the informal life of the church? How much do you offer affirmation and
forgiveness to each other— not in any formal sense but in our attitudes and
casual words? Compassion or criticism? Innuendo or true mercy?
Law or grace?
And how much
are we a liberating influence out there in the community? Or how much
resentment is nursed ? How many old injuries are
tallied up for a chance of some pay-back on a day to come?
This brings
me to salient point: when we lock ourselves into unforgiveness,
ungrace as I like to call it, we have indeed manacled
ourselves. Ungrace makes us the prisoners, as well as
those we whom refuse to forgive. Ungrace is a fearful
bondage. It takes the zest out of life and creates
sourness, it chains us to the past, it poisons the springs of spontaneous joy
within us. There are none so moribund as those who are
trapped in ungrace.
Receive the Holy Spirit says Jesus.
Be a
gracious forgiver as Christ is a gracious forgiver to you. Be a liberated liberator. That friend of
mine, Alan, did more in half an hour with the poor fellow in the village
church, than the locals had done in the nine months since the prisoner had been
physically set free.. For Christ’s sake, I ask you to
take a very deep breath. Get ready.....
Receive the Holy Spirit. Breathe in the Holy Spirit,
Let the Spirit fill you with every breath, flow in your blood stream, and
saturate your attitudes, your thoughts, your words and your deeds.!
“ Grace to you and peace from the One who is and who was and
who is to come...... and from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the first-born
of the dead, the ruler of kings on earth”
1: 5b-6
The first-born of the dead,
the ruler of kings on earth.
How does
that sound to you?
To many in
the world around us, it may seem like pious rubbish. Grandiose piffle!
Ruler of the kings on earth?
“Oh yeah? Pull the other leg! If they really believed
that stuff, those early Christians like John must have been on another planet,
or with the fairies at the bottom of the garden!” They had to be drugged on
otherworldly fantasy, to be able to rattle on about Jesus being the ruler of
the rulers of earth! In
your dreams, mate!” And so must contemporary Christians!
Look around
you and across this world today. Look at those who rule.
The war lords of Afghanistan, the
military oppressors in Burma, Palestinian Hezbollah and Jewish extremists, old
guard communists in Cuba and the “Beloved Leader” of North Korea, Mugabe in Zimbabwe and the post-communist junta in China,
Assad in Syria and the Taliban infiltrating the new army of Afghanistan, ready to cause mahem within the ranks as soon as our allied troops pull out. Are these
under the rule of the risen and ever-living Prince Christ ?
Come closer
to home; let’s think the Western world.
Look at the
leaders in Australia, France, Russia, England, the USA, South Africa, India,
the Philippines, New Zealand, Fiji and Canada and Brazil and many more
nations. Do these “democratically”
elected leaders show any sign of being under the rule of Christ? Or is such a
thought just pathetic, wishful thinking?
We too may
be tempted to conclude:
“Just let the
writer of the Book of Revelation take a time trip and come and live in our
world, and then see if he still thinks Christ Jesus is the ruler of the kings on earth.”
Let us get this one straight: Our faith is grounded in the Easter of Christ Jesus..
What twenty first century cynics need to
realise is that those words in the book of Revelation are a direct consequence
of resurrection faith. That alone. Such faith was not
based on observation of what was happening around John in the Roman Empire, but
on what happened in Bethlehem, Galilee, and Jerusalem with a man named Jesus
who was crucified yet now lived gloriously. Without the Easter event this
strange yet wonderful
Book of Revelation could not have been written.
It is
written because God had done the improbable.
The Spirit of the Holy One had been
uniquely with Jesus and had placed a seal of vindication on his life and
teaching. and self sacrifice. Only one person qualified. It was this
particular Jesus who was raised up, this particular Jesus who transcended
death. It is his way of life that is
vindicated at Easter.
The same Jesus who has split our history in half.
The fellow who touched lepers yet called
Herod a fox. The exact Jesus who told parables about a
prodigal son and a Good Samaritan, and taught his followers to forgive their
enemies and pray for their persecutors. It was this exact Jesus who
renounced earthly power and force, who challenged the authority of the
religious hierarchy, and cared about poor widows and outcastes. The exact Jesus
who was not intimidated by the power of Caesar’s representative, Pontius
Pilate. The Jesus who died forgiving those who crucified him,
and was buried in a borrowed tomb. This Christ Jesus is the one whom God
has raised up from the grave and (to quote St Paul) “has been given a name above all earthly
names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on
The cross
and resurrection defined the nature of Jesus’ ultimate authority over all
people, including over mighty Caesar and his puppet kings. Such faith was not a
deduction from the usually brutal way emperors and
kings lived and ruled, but from the way God had vindicated the word and way of
the humble, true-man, Jesus. The resurrection is God’s vindication, a mighty
seal of approval.
If God’s human experiment on earth is to work out it will be in alignment with Christ ‘s teaching and deeds or it will not work out at all.
Don’t for
one moment imagine that those early Christians were pathetic day dreamers. They
did not live a secluded, other-worldly life, out of touch with events and
unrealistic about the prevalence of political chicanery and violence. Their world was at least as perverse and
bloody and unforgiving as our world. Maybe more so.
In that
Roman world, life was dirt cheap. Slavery, cruelty and sudden death were
Physical power lay absolutely in the
hands of the Roman Emperor and his vassal kings or governors. The army patrolled every province. So called
justice was quick and bloody. Savage executions and massacres were common
place. Yet the Apostle John writes in his letter to the churches of Asia Minor.( the region of today’s Turkey) that the authority of Jesus
was greater than all the others put together.
“ Grace to you and peace from the
One who is and who was and who is to come......... and from Jesus Christ the
faithful witness, the first-born of the dead, the ruler of kings on earth”
Never forget
that John was writing this letter from exile.
Imprisoned on the
small, largely barren, island of Patmos.
He was definitely under the iron heel of Rome. He had no comforts around
him, no supportive fellowship of a congregation, scant physical freedom, no
reason to imagine that Rome’s authority was about to collapse. Yet he could
fervently proclaim that Jesus “the first-born of the dead, is the ruler of the
kings on earth.” Whether they realised it or not, and at this stage none did,
the kings were midgets in the kingdom of God. Jesus was far above them all.
Such was the
resurrection faith of the young Christian church.
Based on the validity of Christ Jesus and
his death and resurrection, they had confidence that Jesus and his way would
have the last word. In fact Jesus was and is the last word from God.
If my
friends, we try to base our attitudes and actions on the contemporary evidence
of how human authority, wealth and muscle are misused in this world, we are on
a loser. If they have the last word, then shut up and keep your head down! Or as one canny soul put it: “I keeps miselve to miselve and bovers nobidy.”
There’s not
a lot of comfort out there in this remarkable yet terrible world. But our
ground of hope is in Christ Jesus: that humble, Person of inclusive love whom
God has raised from the dead. His words
and his life are vindicated! Easter good news is the stuff that gives us
ultimate confidence. Nothing we do in his name is perishable, no love offered
to others is wasted, no humble service is inconsequential, for
we serve a Jesus in whom God has placed his trust, forever.
“ Grace to you and peace from the One who is and who was and who is to
come......... and from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the first-born of the
dead, the ruler of kings on earth”
We have much
for which to give thanks.
Let us pray.
We thank you
God for the resilient power of you love, which never accepts defeat, and
constantly renews our humanity.
We thank you
this day for all parables and events of resurrection:
For the belladonna lily that breaks free
from the hard soil to bloom after a long summer’s drought.
For seeds of the Inland that sleep for
many years, until the rare rains awakens them
to life and wild
For those song birds on a freezing
winter’s morning, lifting up their heads
and singing
their best to the dawn.
We give
For the guilty and despairing who wish
they were dead, until they are reborn as they encounter the grace of Christ they sing for joy!
For sour personal relationships that
discover new life and hope through
counselling and reconciliation.
For discarded employees, who have put the
hurt and disillusionment behind them
and made for
themselves a new way of life.
We give
For the gravely ill and dying who find
inner peace, and then go on to become
the comforters
of living.
For the bereaved who sorely grieve,
shedding hot tears, yet who also smile
and give thanks
through those tears.
For the abused, and those who are
enduring unjust imprisonment,
who nevertheless
forgive their enemies.
For all that
sings of your indomitable Spirit,
and for the
promise that nothing on earth or in heaven can separate us from your love,
we give you
thanks, God of boundless life.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Prayer for
other people is a first step;
Let us pray.
Holy Spirit
of Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit of God, we pray for a world where blaming one
will give way to trying to understanding , and a
determination to put right old wrongs. .
Breathe on
us breath of God:
Spirit of Christ Jesus, come with your breath of
pure sanity and grace.
We pray for
our imperfect system of justice in this land. Let magistrates, jurors and
begin by seeing
themselves standing there in the dock, but for the grace of God.
Breathe on
us breath of God:
Spirit of Christ Jesus, come with your breath of
pure sanity and grace
That in
spite of their limitations, our prisons may be geared towards character change
and restoration,
and that communities may give ex-prisoners a fair go to make good.
Breathe on
us breath of God:
Spirit of Christ Jesus, come with your breath of
pure sanity and grace
We pray for
the United Nations when it is faced with the obscenity of war crimes;
that a thirst
for vengeance may not override the hunger for complete truth,
justice and the
wisdom of mercy.
Breathe on
us breath of God:
Spirit of Christ Jesus, come with your breath of
pure sanity and grace
compassion and encouragement flourish in our family life, that biting criticism
for obvious faults, and nit picking over minor ones, and the
habits of pay-back,
may not set the
dominate mood.
Breathe on
us breath of God:
Spirit of Christ Jesus, come with your breath of
pure sanity and grace
We pray for
church congregations around the globe. Let us become extravagant
with the
ointment of compassion towards the lost and those who hate themselves,
yet steel-sharp
in confronting both injustice and social evils.
Breathe on
us breath of God:
Spirit of Christ Jesus, come with your breath of
pure sanity and grace
Loving God,
please continue to save us. Where our true need is the loosing of sins,
deal gently with
us. But where we need discomforting, binding and rebuking,
give us no rest
until we come to our senses and open up to receive your mercy.
Breathe on
us breath of God:
Spirit of Christ Jesus, come with your breath of
pure sanity and grace.
Jesus said:
“Peace be with you. As the Father sent me, so I am now
sending you”.
He believes
in you. The busy world awaits your compassion.
God believes in us.
you will give your best yet fail.
God believes in us
At other
times you will succeed in spite of your stumbling.
God believes in us
Go gladly,
daring to succeed or fail to the glory of God,
then at the very end, nothing shall dismay you.
God believes in us
With Christ’s own breath within us, we shall travel
The help of
the saving Christ,
wisdom of the Living God,
the support of the loving Spirit,
be with you
every step of the way, now and always.