New Book now Available Here is an anthology of over 1100 brief prayers and thought-starters, for each day of the year, with almost 400 original prayers by Bruce Prewer. Included is both a subject index and an index of authors-- an ecumenical collection of about 300 different sources. |
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Title: Brief Prayers for Busy People. Author: Bruce D Prewer ISBN 978-1-62880-090-6 Available from Australian Church Resources, web site email or by order from your local book shop or online on amazon. |
Luke 13:31-35 (Sermon 1: “The Fox and the Mother
2: “Noble or Pig-headed?”)
Phil. 3: 17 to
15:1-12 & 17-18
Psalm 27
The encompassing grace of Jesus Christ be with you all.
And also with you.
God is our light and our healing, what reason is
there to be anxious?
God is our rock-solid Friend, of whom then need we
be afraid?
We will offer
in God’s Presence, the sacrifice of joy!
We will sing
our best melodies to our God!
Sisters and brothers, your who
and a joy to those who first
taught you the way of Christ,
I say to you: Stand firm in the Lord.
God is our
light and salvation,
of whom shall we be afraid,
Wait for the Lord, be strong and fill your hearts
with courage.
Yes indeed, we
wait for the Lord.
God has said: “Seek my face.”
Our hearts
say, “Your face Lord, we do seek.”
Loving God, you have asked us to seek your face. We
come together gladly to seek your face. You are the goal of our living and the
source of our loving, the Holy Friend whose glory exceeds our understanding.
Because of your invitation, we worship you without fear, we praise you with
thankful lips, we adore you with loving hearts.
Through Christ Jesus, your Son and our Brother.
Let us confess our failures, and renounce or sins.
Let us pray.
Please hear us, loving God, when we cry to you, be
gracious to us and answer our prayer.
If we have slid away from new opportunities, or
failed to give our best effort to long familiar duties, forgive us and restore
us merciful Friend.
Christ Jesus
is our light and salvation, of whom shall we be afraid?
If we have become weary, and slipped into mirroring
the prejudices and dissatisfactions of a greedy and unjust world, forgive us
and heal us merciful Friend.
Christ Jesus
is our light and salvation, of whom shall we be afraid?
If we have performed well in public, smoothly keeping
up appearances, while our personal faith has grown shabby and weak, forgive us
and rehabilitate us, merciful Friend.
Christ Jesus
is our light and salvation, of whom shall we be afraid?
Wait for the Lord. Be strong and allow your heart to
take courage.
Wait; yes my soul, wait
on the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ..
Loving God, you are not impatient and tight fisted
like us, your generosity flows freely to all your creatures. We praise you that
our sins are forgiven, and that the future has again become an open door.
Thanks be to you, God of grace and glory!
Through Christ Jesus our Saviour.
Be Like Jesus
Thank you, God,
for sending us Jesus.
We may not be able
to be as brave
and as friendly,
and as thoughtful,
and as honest
and as loving
as Jesus was.
But if you will help us,
we can try.
Ó B D Prewer 2003
PSALM 27 :1-4 & 13-14
God is my light and my good health,
what evil can intimidate me?
God is the steel in my life,
what can overwhelm me?
When scumbags make a move on me,
like crocodiles to eat me up,
it is these ruthless enemies
that shall stumble and fall.
Though a mob pitch in against me,
my heart will not fear.
Though they make war on me
my confidence will not be shaken.
I ask God for one thing,
that thing I really crave:
to live in the household of
every day of my life,
to delight in God’s beauty
and search in his temple.
This much I truly believe,
that I shall see God’s goodness.
In the land of the
shall be strong
and pin my hopes on God.
my brave heart, hope in God!
© B.D. Prewer 2000
The fox-men on this stage
think they pull the strings
and make the puppets dance
at the whim of kings.
But the foxes are the fools
trapped in their dis-ease,
they do an anxious dance
as their ego decrees.
The dove-souls of this age
who lust not for the strings,
the meek, the poor, the pure
are real movers of things;
freeholders in a realm
which no fox-man can own,
where grace is on the wind
and no one walks alone.
© B.D. Prewer 1993
Holy God, loving Friend,
keep us eager in the things of Christ. May we learn the ways of loving discipline,
without anxiety or reluctance, rejoicing in small victories and rising up from
defeats with the confidence of those who know they have a sure Saviour. To your honour and praise.
Luke 13:32
Go and tell
that fox [Herod]: Look, I will continue to cast out demons and heal today and
tomorrow; and on the third day I will finish the job.
Luke 13:34
O Jerusalem,
Jerusalem........How often I wanted to gather your children like a hen
gathering her chickens under her wing, but you would not have it.
Most of us are a lot more complex than others think
we are.. We are neither the waste of space that our
opponents claim, nor the extremely virtuous people our friends might like to
There are some observers of life who boast that they
can sum up a person in a few minutes. I think not. That kind of quick judgement
reveals more about the judge than the judged.
We are complex creatures; not easily classified and labelled.
Jesus shared our complexity, and developed depths
and heights of his own. His
contemporaries were baffled by him. After 2,000 years of Christian
discipleship, devotion, prayer, preaching, and endless writing of books, we
still remain deficient in our understanding.
We have embroidered him or undersold him, clung
feverishly to the things we like about him or turned our backs on aspects of
Jesus which we don’t want to know. Many varieties of Jesus are in the religious
Hans Kung, in his book “On Being Christian” raises the question as to
which Jesus should we should believe in. Kung offers a number of alternatives that
have been popular. Here I offer you some of his versions mixed with a few of
* The sweet Jesus, surrounded by roses, red robins
and a Bible text.
* The Revolutionary Jesus, loved by the oppressed
peoples of Latin America.
* The Hero Jesus, admired by teenagers and writers
of romantic poems.
* The Christ of the Sacred Heart, still popular in
some Roman Catholic devotion.
* The God-on-earth Jesus; all halos and lightning
powers, scarcely human.
* The holy son of the beloved Virgin. Lourdes, Fatima and all that.
* Jesus the Great Example; popular with
“pull-yourself-up with-your-shoe-strings” moralists.
* The Super Star Jesus of the 1960’s.
* The beardless Shepherd of the Roman catacombs.
* The transfigured Christ, resplendent also in
* The 5th century enthroned Christ, wearing
the insignia of a Roman Emperor.
* The Beggar Christ of St Francis and St Claire.
* The Kingly Christ once extolled by European
* The Teacher, popular with those who think the
right words can cure a sick world.
* Jesus the Wonder Worker, honoured by charismatics.
* The Man of Prayer, fashionable among the mystics.
* The Divine Lover, sought by St. Augustine and
Bernard of Clairvaux.
* The Blood-of-the-Lamb Jesus, popular among American evangelists.
* The Omega-point-of-history Jesus, adored by Teilhard de Chardin.
* The Doctrinally- precise
Jesus, admired by many Lutherans.
* The Social Justice Jesus, popular within the
Uniting Church.
* The Happy Dipper Jesus, essential in Baptist
* The elegant Bestower-of-blessings,
renowned in the Anglican Church.
That enough? You will be relieved to
know I have cut out many more stereotypes that came to mind.
Which Jesus?
From today’s reading from Luke, I hope to underline two facets of this
remarkable, complex Jesus of Nazareth. Both are firmly rooted, not in the
latter biases of the diverse Christian church, but in the Gospels.
1/ The tough Jesus.
Some Pharisees came to Jesus with a warning: “Herod is looking for you. You had better get
This was the same Herod who ordered John the
Baptist’s head lopped. A tyrant not to be toyed with.
He was a son of the notorious “Herod the Great”, the
killer of the infants at Bethlehem.. Like his father
he was cruel and ambitious. He ruled, on behalf of Rome, the region around
Galilee. His marriage to the insidious Herodias, made
his reign even more notorious.
We don’t know whether the Pharisees who came with
the warning were friendly or hostile. On one hand, Luke usually deals kindly
with Pharisees. On the other hand, some Gospels mention Herod’s men and the
Pharisees being in cahoots.
So maybe they came to Jesus with the best of
intentions, or maybe they were Herod’s stooges, “putting the frighteners” on
Jesus (as they might say in TV’s “Blue Heelers”).
The response of Jesus was tough and direct: “You go and tell that fox, Herod,
that I continue to do my thing today and tomorrow, and on the third day
I’ll complete what I’ve started.”
Now that is a tough response to a tyrant. “That fox” Not exactly an answer Herod would
hear with kindliness. Jesus was a strong person, resilient in character, hard
as nails when the occasion was right.
This is no pretty-boy Jesus, no sentimental dreamer.
Jesus knew the score. He mourned the bloody death of cousin
John. But he was not going to be intimidated. He was a man in charge if his own
destiny. A tough Jesus.
“Go tell that
fox I will move on when I am ready. Not before.”
2/ The compassionate Jesus.
Placed beside this picture of Jesus, is another
scene depicting the compassionate Christ. A graphic juxtaposition.
Luke immediately shows Jesus lamenting over the fate
Jerusalem. In fact, the word “Jerusalem” is the only connection between the
Herod incident and Christ’s heart-tearing lament for the holy city.
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem........How often I
wanted to gather your children like a hen
her chickens under her wing, but you would not have it.
There is hardly a more feminine picture of Jesus
available in the Gospel. The vivid picture of a clucky hen rounding up her
chickens and fluffing her feathers protectively over them,
shows the compassion of the Jesus whom we name Lord and Saviour.
You and I can never appreciate the depth of feeling
a Jew like Jesus had for Jerusalem. Idealised as the city of God, Jerusalem was
woven into their prayers and conversation, into their hopes and their worst
fears. No earthly place was more precious to Jesus the Jew.
But it rejected him, spurned his compassion, and at
the conclusion, would hound him outside its walls to a rocky hill called “The
Luke shows us Jesus lamenting at the coming
destruction. Jerusalem had been destroyed before, hundreds of years before in
the time of the prophets. The city had been reduced to rubble, the holy temple
vessels taken off to a foreign palace to be used in drunken orgies. The ruins
had become a desolation, a nesting place for owls and
a lair for wolves.
It was to be destroyed again. Luke was writing after
Roman patience ran out. In 70 AD the holy city was besieged starved and
conquered, its people slaughtered, crucified and scattered.
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem........How often I
wanted to gather your children like a hen gathering
her chickens under her wing, but you would not have it.
The heart of Jesus was almost broken. Compassion;
profound human compassion, elemental divine compassion!
Here you have it. Jesus the tough character who
would not give an inch to the bullying of Herod, is also Jesus the compassionate
person. He is the man who longed to mother the lost people of Jerusalem, and
who would at the last willingly give his life “as a ransom for many”.
Their rejection of Jesus was the rejection of the
greatest compassion this world has known.
Today is the second Sunday of Lent. Last Sunday I
offered you a penance: to work hard during Lent at knowing yourself better;
being aware of both your strengths and your weaknesses.
This Sunday I direct your gaze towards the toughness
of Jesus.
Go and tell
that fox [Herod]: Look, I will continue to cast out demons and heal today and
tomorrow; and on the third day I will finish the job.
Learn from him; lean on him, don’t be diverted in
your quest. Christianity offers the blessing of a brave and resilient spirit.
I also direct you eyes towards the compassion of
O Jerusalem,
Jerusalem........How often I wanted to gather your children like a hen
gathering her chickens under her wing, but you would not have it.
Care with him share with him. His
compassion for you, and yours for others. A journey without compassion
is not a Christian journey. A toughness without
gentleness is not from God.
Luke 13: 31-35
Lent calls for renewed
For sharpening up our footwork in the cause of following Christ.
Question: When are we showing admirable courage and commitment,
or when are we simply
pig-headed? When is our single-mindedness for the glory of God, and when it is
just silly human pride standing on its pretentious little dignity?
In today’s Gospel reading from Luke 13, we hear about Jesus
resolutely walking, day after day, in the direction of Jerusalem.
Nevertheless, he still had time for others. Single
mindedness with Jesus was not tunnel vision. On the last journey he was still
teaching the common people, telling fecund parables, healing the physically and
mentally ill, and making time for dining out with disreputable characters. But his course was set for Jerusalem and
inevitable suffering and death.
Some Pharisees came and said to him: “Get
away from here, for Herod wants to kill you.”
Jesus said to them: “Go and tell
that fox: Look, I cast out demons and heal people today
and tomorrow, and the
third day I must finish my course. I must keep on the way I am going,
for it is
not right for a prophet to perish away from Jerusalem.”
Jesus refuses to be diverted from his destiny.
He would not be deflected from going to confront his
critics in the Holy City, although he expected that such confrontation would
certainly result in his being crushed. That word “perish” is a conclusive one. It leaves us in
no doubt about the outcome.
Was that being stubborn?
Maybe there were some among
his followers who thought Jesus was just being merely stubborn. From their view
point, it was both unwise and unnecessary for him to walk to Jerusalem where
the power-brokers were waiting for him, rubbing their lily-whites in
expectation. Why couldn’t he stay in Galilee? There were thousands there who
needed him. In the cities of that region were wonderful opportunities for his
continued teaching, and almost endless sufferers who wanted to receive his
healing touch. It would have seemed to such followers that Jesus was being
quite pig-headed by insisting on making it to Jerusalem.
In hindsight, we know that he was not just being
stubborn. In fact Jesus was being loyal to the cause of his God, understanding
that no matter how much the prospect of crucifixion appalled him, it was
nevertheless the right thing to risk it. He believed that doing the will of God
mattered more than popularity or even life itself. He realised that by being
willing to lose life something far larger can be accomplished.
That does not mean his decision to confront his foes
in Jerusalem was easy. You and I can never adequately understand the prayer and
self discipline that braced his will, and kept his feet moving towards Mt Zion.
I must keep on
the way I am going, for it is not right for a prophet to perish away from
What Jesus did has been an example to all followers.
Many have put their faith in him and his way. The
single-mindedness of Stephen saw him stoned to death outside Jerusalem. James
was beheaded, Paul and Peter were martyred in Rome,
Thomas in far away India.
It did not end with the apostles. There continued to
be notable examples throughout the Christian story. The
witness of those who stuck to their belief at the cost of their well being,
their health, their freedom or their life.
Many of them, though not a
majority, became official “saints. “ In sermons fifty years ago you would have heard
some of these names often. Regrettably, in this generation, especially in
Protestant churches,
we rarely seem to mention some of the remarkable, historical
Like the aged Polycarp in the 2nd C. AD.
A much loved pastor who, when asked to curse Christ
and worship Caesar as Lord or face death by burning at the stake, replied: “Eighty and six years I have served Christ, and he has done
me no wrong. How can I then curse my Lord and my Saviour.”
Was he just plain pig-headed?
Or the young mother Perpetua.
She walked boldly into the arena to be killed for
her faith, then loosed her hair and declared: “This is my day of coronation!”
Pig-headed or one of
Christ’s true servants?
Francis of Assisi and his
disciple Claire.
For much of their lives they were misunderstood and
hassled by church authorities. Yet they persisted in their way of Christ’s
love, welcoming poverty and hardship for the cause of Christ.
Pig-headed or a genuine followers
of Jesus of Nazareth?
Many more of them.
Hildegard of Bingen, John Wycliffe- Oxford scholar and English Bible translator,
John Huss the Bohemian preacher, Martin Luther the harried
but determined German reformer: These did not find comfort and prosperity for
their single-minded devotion to God (no! suffering and in some cases death!)
but they refused to compromise the light they has been given.
Pig-headed or people of the
highest principle?
The list goes on.
Ann Hutchison in Boston, John
Bunyan of Bedford, the Hugenots in France, Elizabeth Fry and
her social work in Newgate Prison, George
Whitfield refusing to keep the Gospel confined to a church setting, the
Methodist Tolpuddle Martyrs- sentenced to transportation to remote Van Diemen’s Land [Tasmania}
for forming the first trade union, William Booth creating the Salvation
Army, Caroline Chisholm and Mary McKillop of
Australia, Martin Luther King of USA, Oscar Romero of San
Salvador: All of them at some time rebuked and abused, and some of them like
Romero paying the ultimate sacrifice.
What are they? Pig-headed fools? Or those simply
committed to Christ and self-disciplined to the glory of God?
What about you and me? Are we keen to emulate them in forethought? Are we ready in mind and spirit not to fail
It is difficult in the heat of life’s struggles to
sift Christian valour from pigheadedness. It is not always easy to be sure of
the right path when we are suddenly faced with a conflict between apparent
truth and error, integrity and compromise?
We need to have fortified ourselves in advance by “dwelling in Christ.”
Forethought is not anxiety; it is calm preparedness.
My Confession time
I have been on the road with Christ for a long time
now, and much of that has been as one of his ordained ministers. Many times I
have made what I thought then was a principled stand for my Lord Jesus.
Looking back now, down the fast receding years, and
turning over those events in quiet reflection, I see that sometimes it was
almost certainly for Christ’s glory (God be praised!) yet at other times I
confess it may have been from motives that I now see as mixed, and some as
highly dubious ones.
Some times I was pig headed.
Even with love as the benchmark, it is often
difficult. It is hard to audit one’s own motives. Are we being high principled
or just pig-headed? That is the tough question.
Therefore, I recommend another three ways of trying
to sort oneself out-
1/ Pray earnestly about the issue.
2/ Bring the Gospel of Jesus to focus on it.
3/ Seek counsel from a discerning Christian friend
or pastor.
Lent is a good time to reassess.
We are called to follow Christ, not counting the
cost. We are called to go forward as steadfastly as he did when he journeyed
towards Jerusalem and death. That kind of courage is needed as desperately
today as it ever was!
But let us try and minimise
the dangers; nor deny the possibility of being led by the nose by some inferior
cause or motive. Christ’s way is the only one that matters.
Only the cause of Jesus is one worth sticking our
neck out and risking “the chop!”
Only his mission is truly altruistic and untainted
by perverse pig-headedness.
Only his way will bring fruits that will bless those
around us,
as well as keeping our
Christian integrity intact and our hearts joy-full.
Most wonderful God, every day and in every place we
rise to give you thanks and praise.
Thanks for physical life:
for birth into this lovely world,
made in your own likeness,
stewards of the earth and its creatures,
and pastors of one another.
Thanks for abundant life:
new life made visible in Christ Jesus,
in his word and his way of loving,
in his self sacrifice on the cross,
and through his joyful resurrection.
Thanks for shared life:
present in the body of the church,
renewed constantly by the Holy Spirit,
life within us and around us always,
to the very end of time and space.
Thanks and praise are yours; thanks purer than we
can utter; thanks that links with all who ever knew you and loved you, today,
yesterday and forever.
© B.D. Prewer 1989
Our prayers are a commitment to the love of God.
Let us pray
Most loving God, according to our true needs, please confront and save your
earth children. Discipline or soothe, break down or build up, discomfort or
comfort us. May all nations, communities, friends, family and church, know both
the pain and joy of being in the hands of cathartic Love.
Though father
and mother forsake us, God will take us up.
Please receive our concern for family or neighbours
who are doing it hard today: the confused, depressed, suffering, sad,
heartbroken, weary, ashamed, anxious or lonely.
Though father
and mother forsake us, God will take us up.
Please receive our concern for the Australian
nation, our State, city, community, and neighbourhood; That
the values of Christ may be embraced, and the love of Christ begin to shape
even the doubters and the antagonistic.
Though father
and mother forsake us, God will take us up.
Please receive our concern for countries overseas:
Our Pacific island neighbours, prosperous continents,
overcrowded Asian lands, small struggling countries, children in poverty,
people at war, free nations, nations in bondage.
Though father
and mother forsake us, God will take us up.
Please receive our concern for your church
throughout the earth; where it is influential or ignored, thriving or
struggling, in city or in the outback, divided or united, persecuted or at
peace, enthusiastic or dispirited.
Though father
and mother forsake us, God will take us up.
Loving Friend and Saviour, we rejoice in your
liberal resourcefulness and your endless faithfulness. May your name be praised
and your will be done.
By us, through
us, and with all who adore you.
Take heart!
You may sometimes get it wrong,
you may sometimes do it poorly,
but doing the will Christ remains your calling and your
greatest happiness.
Go your way optimistically, discipline your lives
and know that it is better to try for the heights and not
quite get there,
than to amble along smooth paths that go nowhere.
The love of
Christ Jesus encourages us.
The everlasting peace of the Creator, the saving
peace of the Saviour,
and the invigorating peace of
the Inspirer, be with you now and always.