New Book now Available Here is an anthology of over 1100 brief prayers and thought-starters, for each day of the year, with almost 400 original prayers by Bruce Prewer. Included is both a subject index and an index of authors-- an ecumenical collection of about 300 different sources. |
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Title: Brief Prayers for Busy People. Author: Bruce D Prewer ISBN 978-1-62880-090-6 Available from Australian Church Resources, web site email or by order from your local book shop or online on amazon. |
[Note: Within the Uniting Church of Australia, Transfiguration
is celebrated on the last Sunday before Lent, as a climax to the Season of
Epiphany. Some other churches observe it on the first Sunday of Lent,.]
Luke 9:28-36
1: “The Real Thing”)
2: “Seek Your Mountain’)
2 Corinthians
3:12 to 4:2
Psalm 99
The light of the glory of God in the face of Jesus
Christ be with you all.
And also with you.
There are precious times when the light of God
strikes us; Our whole being for a moment is illuminated.
Things that were clouded become clear, faith that had
been foggy becomes lucid. We cannot manufacture these times. They are gifts
from God.
Today we celebrate such a special gift-time in the
life of the disciples.
While Jesus
was praying, his face was transfigured,
and his clothes became dazzling
and when the
disciples woke up, they saw his glory.
OR ¾
The light of Christ be upon
you and within you.
And also with you.
Christ is unique; the one human being who was
utterly transfigured by the light of God.
All of us, with faces uncovered as we look upon the
radiance of the Lord Jesus, are being changed, bit by bit, into his likeness
Come let us
extol the Lord our God
let us worship at his
For the Lord
our God is utterly holy!
God our most holy Friend, today grant us as much of
the light of Christ as we can bear, that we may be rescued from the illusions
and shadows that inhibit our faith, our worship and our daily service. Grant us a transfiguring moment or two, that
we may discern something of your beauty and worship your immeasurable love.
Through this same Christ Jesus who makes all things new.
Lord have mercy Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy. Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy Lord have mercy.
That the radiance of Christ may shine into those
dark, dank cellars of the mind, where we entertain negative thoughts and mull
over ideas for revenge against those who have hurt us.
Saviour Christ, come and heal us..
Christ, come and
transform us
That the radiance of Christ may shine in the dark
depths of the soul, where we bear the burden of sad regrets and the guilt of
failed faith and love.
Saviour Christ, come and heal us.
Christ, come and transform us.
That the radiance of Christ may drive out the
darkness of sin and ignorance, release us from servitude of guilt, and renew
the fullness of our being for a life of fruitfulness and joy.
Saviour Christ, come and heal us.
Christ, come and transform us.
We thank you, loving God, for the mercy which leaves
no sin untouched, no
wild part of the soul unchallenged, and no thirst for true righteousness
unsatisfied. From the beginning to
end you are grace, mercy and peace. Through Christ Jesus our Lord.
Thanks be to God! Hallelujah
Shiny, Like Jesus
Dear God,
when will people become more love-shiny,
like Jesus?
I hope it won’t be too long,
‘cos things are in big mess here on
Please put the Spirit of Jesus into billions of
so that his shininess can change us from inside out.
You know, can start with me and my mates,
if you like?
The awesome love of God rules;
let all nations and rulers tremble!
God wears the light of galaxies;
let our little earth shake!
Greater than the holiest temples,
shaper of time and space;
let humanity tremble in awe
and worship such Otherness!
Exquisite lover of justice,
you uphold sincere goodness.
Wherever there is impartial love
it is your doing.
Let everyone sing your praises
and fall at your holy feet.
Among today’s prophets
you still have a Moses and Elijah.
Where there are sincere priests,
there is found a new Samuel.
Pillars of fire still guide,
and the law of love still stands.
O unspeakable Name,
even now you hear your people.
You take evil to task,
yet you are forgiving God.
We celebrate such awesome love,
we exult in the Lord our God!
© B.D. Prewer 2000
It could have been on Mt Wellington
or on St Mary’s Peak,
up there with Christ something
went on
which words could never speak.
It could have been Liz, or Jack or Fay,
Grechen, Nardoo or Ruth,
with Peter, James and John that
when they saw blazing truth.
It could have been an Aussie voice
that spoke to them like thunder:
“Listen to him, my chosen Son,”
and left them dazed with
It could now be at scenic Bright
or maybe Botony
that human souls still see the
of Love that’s here to stay.
© B.D. Prewer 2000
God of the Light that preceded all things and
exceeds all things, you have transfigured one of our human brothers with a
beauty not seen before or since. As you named Jesus your chosen Son, sustain in
us the faith to name him Brother, Saviour, and Lord. And having so named him,
give us the courage to gladly follow him to the very end, and from there, into
the light that shall never fade. In his name and for his
Luke 9: 29 and 35
As Jesus was
praying, the look on his face altered, and his clothes became radiant
and a cloud came over
them, and a voice spoke out of the
“This is my
own Son, the chosen one; listen to him.”
If you reckon the story of the transfiguration is a bit
“way out,” then you are definitely on the right track. If your mind gags when
you try to understand it, then I think Luke would be delighted.
You should mentally gag; you should puzzle over the
picture that Luke frames for you. You
should feel out of your depth, because you are out of your depth! Far out of
your depth!
Luke, in
telling the transfiguration story, is attempting to convey the confounding mystery of
Christ Jesus. A mystery which in the
final analysis is : “inaccessible to human mind and
tongue” [to quote the New Testament scholar, Eduard Schweizer.]
It is a story
of enlightenment; an epiphany story. That is why some churches, like ours, use this
Gospel reading at the end of the Epiphany Season; so that theme of
enlightenment which started weeks ago with the coming of the Wise Men, is
summed up at Transfiguration. It is another shot at encapsulating the good
news: “We have seen the glory of God in
the face of Jesus Christ”.
That shining
“otherness” which they saw in Jesus of Nazareth, was not a one-off event
Peter, James and John experienced a brief
break-through; they saw the Holy Light which had been there all the time. The
glory is mostly hidden, but on the mountain they were given a blinding glimpse
It is the Light which had been since the beginning. A universal constant.
The God-light had always been. Glimmers came through
in the ethical insights of Moses, the visions of Isaiah, and the
“tell-it-as-it-is” faith of the Psalms.
It was there when Jesus while a boy, went with his
parents to the Temple and ended up asking hard questions of the rabbis. It was
present when he was baptised in the Jordan and when he went into the wilderness
to be tempted of the devil. The God-light was focused in him when Jesus went
public in the Galilee province. The disciples had sensed it when Jesus called
In his parables and healings, in the compassion of
Jesus for the outsiders, folk dimly but surely knew they were in the presence
of a profoundly enlightened person.
The Godlight was there
when he shared a last meal with his friends, when he anguished in the garden of
Gethsemene, when he was arrested and abused. It was
exquisitely there on that awesome day when the sun was eclipsed, and from a
cross in the darkness Jesus gave a loud cry.
It was gloriously present in the resurrection experience.
It had been
shining since before the foundation of the universe, and it will be when this
cosmos is no more.
I would even go further. I believe the God-Light that we glimpse in Christ, is always all around us every day, in every
place, with every person. Certainly
it was in Jesus that the Godlight was sharply and
uniquely focussed. But it is the same Infra-Light in which we live and move and
have our being.
This Light is not some alien force. It’s at the
heart of our very existence. For those of us who have been given the priceless
joy of sensing the Light of God in Christ, there is the secondary joy of
glimpsing the same Light shining through the veil of this physical and secular
Nature, which in its changing moods remains an
enigma for most of those who do not see the Face of God in Jesus, becomes for
believers another vehicle of light.
Walk in the rain forest or sit at sunset by the
restless seas; the inner light is there, encouraging the enlightened.
Hear the many words of Scripture; so human and yet
so soul piercing and uplifting for the poor and the meek.
Receive the Bread and the Wine: there is glory for those who
want to be nourished by the True Light.
Foster the fellowship of the church; even two or
three gathered in Christ’s name is enough for the enlightened.
Reach out to the hungry, the sick, the lonely, the
imprisoned, and the outcaste, and we can find some of the Transfiguration glory
Because Christ
was transfigured, all things are now transfigured for those who climb with
him up the mountain, or descend with him down to the dusty plain.
Am I talking
Of course I am! Yes!. Thank
Like Luke, like the other
New Testament evangelists, I too make a fool of myself whenever I attempt to
speak of the radiant mystery of Jesus of Nazareth.
It may all sound like
nonsense to doubters, but it is not deceit. It is for real. This is the special
truth which “if it makes you free, you
shall be free indeed.”
I wager my life on this
Jesus, rather than on the wisest of our economic rationalists, or the most
brilliant scientific humanists, or the wittiest politicians, or the
extravagantly eulogised stars of film or sport who deign to give us their
smattering of life philosophy.
Compare Jesus, all he
said, all he did, with what else is offering. Compare
Jesus, and shake in your shoes for all those tragic people who have hived off
after lesser lights, or have been sucked in by the tacky illuminations of
tinsel town.
As Jesus was praying, the look on his face altered, and his clothes became radiant white...........
and a cloud came over them, and
a voice spoke out of the cloud:
“This is my
own Son, the chosen one; listen to him.” Luke
9: 29 and 35
Inept we may be when trying to describe this sacred
Light, but we know the Real Thing when it comes our way.
“And in that light of Christ we’ll walk, till
travelling days are done.”
Luke 9: 29-31
Jesus was transfigured with holy radiance.
As Jesus was on the mountain praying, the
appearance of his face was altered,
and his
clothes shone dazzling white. Then, those two men, Moses and Elijah,
appeared in
a blaze of glory, and came to stand with
Jesus, and spoke with him
about the
exit he would soon make in Jerusalem.
Luke 9:29-31
Wow! Awesome! No
wonder Simon Peter did not know what to say!
But typical of ebullient Peter, he blurted something
out something anyway; that stuff about building brushood
huts to accommodate the holy three.
Those 3 disciples had an experience of God the Holy One; of that one
perfect “Otherness” who fills heaven and earth, embracing both the living
Christ and the dead Moses and Elijah.
Such an
experience can leave us, like Peter: either speechless or blurting out silly
Last year, on the day before Transfiguration, a
minister in Victoria (the
Rev. David Anderson) was speaking on the phone with his brother on tropical
Magnetic Island in sunny Queensland. David’s brother is a lay preacher, and
together they discussed what they would preach about the next day. What theme they would follow.
They discussed the common theme most often heard
from pulpits on Transfiguration Day. Namely that as wonderful and spiritual
such mountain-top experiences may be, the real task lies back on the dusty
plains below.
Then the brother said: “With the sad way things are around
us in the world are these days, maybe we should remind people of the glory
found on the mountain.”
That is my theme today: enjoy the mountain top.
Seek your mountain with Christ and spend some time
there. Get yourself up and above the smog of worry and toil. Climb with Jesus above the anxiety, fear,
hatred and cynicism that dominates international
politics. Rise above the jockeying and bad-mouthing that infects much secular
life. Leave behind the brief comforts of those things which money can buy and
stand with Christ in moments of glory.
Up on the mountain, Peter, James and John saw pure
glory. Undiluted.
The light which they had glimpsed in fragmentary ways as they travelled with
Jesus, was now openly displayed.. There was something
extra about Jesus; an element of the numinous, something unexplainable, some
“love-otherness” which the crowds, blind folk, lepers and social outcastes
experienced. Now up there on the mountain side, three ordinary men were
‘gob-smacked,’ overwhelmed with the fullness of this light. Jesus was
transfigured. They were rapt in pure awe.
Seek your mountain, my friends.
That means, go often as
possible to those situations where you feel close to Jesus and his God, and
become aware of that holy, majestic, radiant Love that cherishes you. Seek the
joy of that “Otherness” who loves you utterly at amazing cost. Seek that Light
which hurts your eyes and uncovers your shame, yet at the same time blessedly
heals you. You and I need to experience wonder and awe in the presence of
What constitutes the “mountain” will vary from
person to person.
For some it will be quiet Bible Reading, for some
praying under the stars, for others the fellowship of worship and the awesome
wonder of the Lord’s Table. For yet others it will be forms of meditation, a
retreat experience in community, or standing outdoors at dawn with open arms, or maybe fasting. And
for some it may be immersing yourself in the story of the prodigal son, or
losing yourself in the singing of ‘When I survey the wondrous cross’ or “Shine
Jesus, shine, fill the world with your grace and glory.”. And for some dear
folk, your
mountain top may be here this morning in this house of prayer.
Though you cannot go back in time, nor be able to
physically visit some of your holy mountains, you can revisit in your mind and
soul. Recall where and when you have
sensed the unique glory of God. Dwell again in them. Contemplate those special
occasions when something Holy broke through the mundane stuff of existence, and
left you awe-struck at the wonder of the Infinite Creator and Lover and
Consider the wonder of it all! Wallow in it!
The radiance of God? Often people too easily
mouth that little word ‘God.’ Behind it lies the immensity of the universe and
the power of a billion, billion, billion suns. Behind it lies the terrible
power of black holes and other cosmic mysteries. We say the little word “God” and from it flows
millions of millennia on earth, and a patient Purpose working itself out on
this planet, even down the very-recent million years human habitation..
When we Christians say the word God, there is an
even greater wonder. For us that word G.O.D is enlarged and hallowed and
glorified by a man called Jesus. We are drawn into the Mystery of incarnation,
crucifixion and resurrection.
This God who comes so
completely down to earth through Christ Jesus, who hangs broken on a torture
stake and screamed that he felt utterly forsaken, is the same God whose glory,
power and wisdom can never be measured. God is overwhelming wonder. God is Light
beyond all light. Mental ability far beyond all genius.
Beauty beyond all beauty. Love beyond all love. Glory beyond all glory. Yet God is revealed in the life death
and resurrection of Jesus.
There on that mountain is Galilee, the three
disciples clearly saw this unspeakable glory which focussed on, and emanated
from, Jesus of Nazareth. Here was the sacred “Otherness”. They recognised that
radiant cloud which the Jews called the ‘shekinah’;
the radiant cloud of God’s Holy Presence.
And a voice
came out of the cloud, saying :”This is my beloved
Son, my chosen one. Listen to him.”
Consider the wonder of it all! Delight in it. Wallow
in it
Risk yourself, I beg you.
Risk placing yourself,
though we are all vulnerable and ignorant and soiled. Risk yourself in the
presence of such Absolute Holiness. Let yourself be gathered into it. Let God
carry the weight of your life and the massed load of the world’s worries. Risk awe, risk feeling tiny, risk feeling
foolish, risk feeling sinful, and risk feeling loved with a searing Love that
searches your soul with intermingled pain and joy.
The dusty plains of daily existence will always
await us. I do not underestimate the importance of that. Of course, that is
where our faith must be worked out.
But we are likely to flounder around unfocussed,
clumsy, and anxious, unless we regularly humble ourselves in the presence of
the glory of God, through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Risk yourself and visit the mountain often!
Most wonderful God, we thank you for the gift of
For the merry old sun, rising from the East and
calling us to a new day.
For moonlight and starlight,
awakening a sense of wonder and serenity.
Thanks for street light, car light, traffic light
and home light.
For the light in the eyes of
a loved one coming to meet us.
For the light of compassion
on the faces of counsellors, nurses and pastors.
Thank you for the supreme Light of divine love in
the face of Christ Jesus.
For the radiance of his goodness, grace, truth and
self sacrifice.
For the glorious light of
Easter Day turning despair into celebration.
For his light in the church, exposing, challenging
and guiding.
Thanks for the moments of his encouraging light in
our individual lives
Most wonderful God, we praise you for all of gifts
of light.
For the rising and healing Son who can never be
God of God, Light of Light!
Glory be to you, now and
for ever!
* Adapted from “Australian Prayers” page 106
© B D Prewer & Open Book Publishers
God our Holy Friend, we pray that your light in
Christ, unencumbered by the faults of your worshippers, may be seen and trusted
by the people of the world. Wherever there is darkness,
Let the Light
When there is trembling and superstition, timidity
and a shrinking into deeper error and blindness of the spirit; wherever there
is darkness,
Let the Light
When there is intimidation and injustice, cruelty
and false imprisonment,
addiction and bondage; wherever there
is darkness,
Let the Light
When there are none to stand up for the weak and the
neglected, when good people don’t want to get involved and even the voice of
the church is muted; wherever there is darkness,
Let the Light
When people struggle on without hope, or suffer
without being loved, or die without any faith; wherever there is darkness,
Let the Light
When two or three gather in Christ’s name, when the
needs of the world seem enormous and church resources meagre; wherever there is
Let the Light
Holy Friend, by the light which can never be
smothered, by the light which is
sufficient for fools, by the light which bursts free from deepest tombs,
guide our feet in the way
everlasting. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Go out of this place and walk in the amount of light
that you have been given. Do not envy those who appear to have more than you,
and never look down on those who appear to have less. From the beginning of
this new week to its end, let Christ be your sufficiency.
Amen! May Christ shine in our hearts through faith.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy
Spirit, receive the blessings which God has prepared for you before the
universe began.