New Book now Available Here is an anthology of over 1100 brief prayers and thought-starters, for each day of the year, with almost 400 original prayers by Bruce Prewer. Included is both a subject index and an index of authors-- an ecumenical collection of about 300 different sources. |
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Title: Brief Prayers for Busy People. Author: Bruce D Prewer ISBN 978-1-62880-090-6 Available from Australian Church Resources, web site email or by order from your local book shop or online on amazon. |
Luke 3:1-6.
1: “Blessed are the Prepared.”)
2: “The Word Happens.”)
Phil. 1:
Malachi 3:
Psalm Luke
The joy of the Coming Christ be
with you all.
And also with you.
A voice cries out in the wilderness:
Prepare the
way of the Lord.
Every gully shall be filled up,
every mountain shall be levelled.
The crooked shall be straightened,
and the rough road shall be
and all the human race shall
the salvation of our God!
OR –
SONG: Prepare ye the way of the Lord. (From Godspell)
Sung by a soloist from the rear of the congregation.
Look! He is coming, says the Lord of hosts!
I send my messenger to prepare the way before me,
and the One whom you seek will
suddenly appear.
But who will
face up to the day of his coming
and who will stand up when he
By grace you are saved, through God’s gift of faith.
Blessed be the
Lord God of Israel,
who has visited and redeemed
his people.
Holy Friend of the earth, in your compassion you
send prophets to shake us out of both religious and secular self-satisfaction,
and to help us get ready for the wonderful thing you do in Christ Jesus. Make
us alert again to the prophets’ call, that we may turn
towards the Messiah who comes in wondrous humility to seek and save the lost. For your love’s sake.
OR –
Loving God, be to us as a
bulldozer of the spirit. Clear your road in us; clear a path through the
detritus of possessions and obsessions. Thrust aside our divided aims and
devious games.
Topple the ramparts of pride and the doubts that
deride. Make a highway on which Christ may come and take possession of the
whole territory of our being. To the
glory of your name we pray.
Sisters and brothers in the faith, we are not here
to wallow in guilt, but we are here to make an honest confession. Let us pray.
Holy Friend, we confess that we want to have more of
you in our lives, yet without the discipline and pain of preparing to receive
you; please forgive our evasions and cowardice;
Holy Friend, we confess that we get sucked in by
those false prophets who offer us an easy discipleship and a cheap grace; please forgive our liking for cheap
Holy Friend, we confess that most of us even we fool ourselves into
believing that our rough ways and crooked paths are justified; please forgive our excuses and defiance.
By your saving grace in Christ Jesus, deal with us with whatever steeliness
or gentleness is required, so that we may wholeheartedly return to you and thus
come to our own senses. For your name’s sake.
The eye of God is upon all those who put their hope
in him.
By the prophets,
God declared loving kindness in the morning
and mercy through the darkest
By the coming of Christ Jesus,
an amazing, saving grace is
set loose among his people,
including even us.
In the name of Emmanuel, let us embrace grace, mercy
and peace.
Now this is
true love; not our love for God but God’s love for us.
In Christ we
are a forgiven and renovated people. Hallelujah!
Glory to the God of hope,
of old;
Certain are God’s purposes
in this world.
Speaking by the prophets’ word
in our need;
From all fear and enmity
to be freed.
Mercy promised long ago,
fuels our trust;
Room to move and cause to serve
as saints must.
Prophet of the Joy Most High,
smooths the way;
Salvation free as sun and rain
here to stay
Now dawns the long awaited
of release;
From the shadows of the tomb,
walk in peace.
© B.D. Prewer 2000.
Never Forgets Us
Dear God, it’s me again.
I’m sorry
that I’ve been forgetting your lately.
Thank you, God,
for never, ever forgetting me.
from “Prayers for Aussie Kids” Ó B
Prewer & Open Book Publishers
O brave wilderness voice,
prophet of the Highest,
come among our markets
and consuming passions
and rebuke with your cry
our modern addictions
and frantic fashions.
O lonely, rough-hewn soul,
speaker of hard truths,
axe our mad, fruitless boasts
and viperous displays;
call us to that repentance
which we have deftly dodged
under pious cliches.
O smoother of crude ways,
mover of black mountains,
tread down our pampered pride
and cultured discontent;
straighten our twisted days
until each childlike hope
skips to meet the Advent.
From “ Beyond
Words” © B Prewer & JBCE 1995
(Note: The following was revised in
November 2012)
It was in the year of Prime Minister Julia Gillard,
when Quintan Bryce was Governor-General,
Prof Andrew Dutney the President of the Uniting Church, and Cardinal
Pell the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Sydney
The word of God happened on a bloke called John
while he was in the Outback, near Menindee. John was the son of the late Rev.
Bill Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth. Some of you may remember the old fellow
and his kindly wife.
When the word of God grabbed him, John immediately
hitched a ride to Broken Hill, and from there down to the Murray River. Near
Mildura, he began to preach by a river beach. He really had the gift of the
gab. At first a few people from nearby towns went to hear him. The news spread
and before long hundreds, and then thousands, gathered to hear this remarkable
fellow. He was a sensation.
He had charisma. Yet his message was blunt: “Repent.
Make the tough decision; turn your lives around and face God; be baptised and
have your sins washed away. Then you will be ready for the coming of the
In that old Murray River, where once the paddle
boats plied their trade, John baptised thousands. The press nicknamed him
“Dipper John.” Seekers drove from Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Brisbane, to
be dipped by John in the river. Some even flew in from Hobart, Perth and
When the newly baptised people asked him what they
should now do to express their repentance, he gave them practical advice. “If
you have two suits, give one to the person who has none; if you eat well, share
it with the hungry.”
When politicians asked what they should do, he
replied: “Stop rorting the system. Be satisfied with your salary.” When police
officers asked what they should do, John said: “Cut out threats and violence
and do not ‘verbal’ any prisoner; refuse ‘sweeteners’ and be content with your
The Dipper John phenomenon reminded many folk of the
words of the ancient prophet Isaiah:
There is a voice calling in the Outback,
‘Clear a track for the coming Lord;
it a straight road.
Fill up all the gullies
level the ridges.
Straighten the crooked tracks
smooth the rough places.
For everybody shall soon see for
rescue mission of our God.“
The press loved it all. At first they made John out
to be some kind of folksy hero. But when he refused interviews with “This Day
Tonight” and “Sixty Minutes,” the image makers took umbrage. They turned nasty
and tried ferreting into his past to see if they could dig up some dirt. They found nothing, so
they had to rely on innuendo.
Dipper John ignored all the hype and just got on
with what his God had called him to do, whenever the word of God grabbed him.
Most holy Friend, you never leave us unprepared for
the new things you are about to do. Grant that we, like those who heard the
call of your prophet John, may heed the prophets of our generation, and find
that true repentance which prepares us for new life. Through Christ Jesus, who
with you in the joy of the Holy Spirit are the goal of all love and worship,
now and forever.
Luke 3:4
Prepare the
way for the Lord, make his paths straight. Let every valley be filled in, every
mountain levelled, twisted ways be straightened, rough paths smoothed. that all people can see the salvation of God..
Hard words
are sometimes the most loving words,
whereas soft words
may be the most cruel words.
Today there are some hard, loving words
to the crooked
and the rough,
to those who are too
and those who are too
self effacing.
So that should just about include all of us, don’t
you think? I’ll leave you to assess into which category you place yourself.
Maybe there is a bit of you in each category?
Our preacher this morning is John the Baptist. He
quotes the words uttered by the prophet Isaiah about the year 550 BC. These are
words of inspired hope, originally directed to approximately 15,000 Jewish
exiles who were languishing, far from their homeland, in the grandiose city of
Prepare the way of the Lord......
Every valley shall be lifted up,
every hill
and mountain brought low,
the crooked
shall be made straight,
the rough
ways shall be made smooth.
This was a message that promised the Hebrew exiles a
return home. Poetically, Isaiah declared that a highway would be opened up
across the deserts to their homeland. The valleys would be filled, the hills
levelled, the crooked path straightened and rough sections made smooth. It was
the promise of a physical return home.
The prophet John the Baptist takes those words and
applied them in a personal sense; to the things of the human spirit. He called
upon his hearers to let God straighten their lives out. To
repent and make a return home to God. In this way they can be prepared
for the coming of the Messiah.
John did his job exceptionally well. His fame spread
far wider than Israel (In fact, in the days of the early church, John’s famous
name was often used as a character reference for Jesus) He had followers in
many parts of the Roman Empire. When the time for Jesus arrived, the ground had
been thoroughly prepared for him. Some of John’s disciples were the first to
respond to Jesus. The preparation was
most effective.
Back to us. Preparation.
Preparation does matter. Without it, the world too easily misses the deep heart
of Christmas. For that matter, so does the church.
To be really ready, the crooked do need to do
something about their crookedness, the rough should do something about their
abrasiveness, the timid do need to assert themselves and the proud must deflate
their egos.
Sadly, the simple but profound joys of faith are
missed by those who dodge preparation, those who evade the pain of repentance
or discipline. I am not an exception, nor are you. Will we be among the
prepared? Among those people whose lives will be enriched by the coming
Christmas season.
Have you had the disconcerting experience of going
to a special event (like a concert or a art show) with
friends, yet coming away from the event with a sharply different reaction? They
come away thrilled and keep chatting enthusiastically about it. But you have
been uninspired; in fact you may have been painfully bored.
It is the same event but not the same happening. In
many cases the real difference is that they had been prepared while we had not.
They have been prepared either by attitude, or experience, or by a disciplined
training, to appreciate the event. We, the unprepared, have missed out.
To use a mundane example, I could walk around old
goldfields in the bushland near Bendigo and find it rather boring. But an old
prospector could walk the same track and be thrilled by it. I might see only
slag heaps, white stone, old timbers, and the tough little ironbark trees
trying to reassert themselves in stony soil. He would see the story of
struggle, toil, defeats and rewards and, maybe, still be able to spot glints of
gold. The difference would be the experience and hard disciplines which he
carried into that situation.
Prepared people will see the golden glints of the
glory of God in many unexpected places and events.
I admit that Advent /Christmas is becoming a season
when it is difficult to spot the glints of the glory of God among the slag
heaps of -
piped music, Santa Claus mania, Rudolph the Red mythology,
galloping consumerism,
compulsive workplace binge parties, and trivial, sentimental
These days, finding the naked love of God in Christ
Jesus is no easy task.
Therefore we can do with all the help we can get. So
preparation is the way to go.. We need some
disciplines, and maybe some good honest repentance, such as John the Baptist
called for.
I am not going to be foolish or arrogant enough to
suggest the particular repentance and disciplines that you might need.
Nor am I enough of an exhibitionist to confess to you
the kind of repentance and new disciplines which I need.
But a need is there for our repentance. Of that I have no doubt.
Maybe a likely place to start is with the words
quoted by John the Baptist:
crooked in us which needs straightening,
the rough that needs smoothing,
the cringing self which needs uplifting,
or the pride which needs levelling.
If we truly want our own “flesh to see the salvation
of God”,
then we must want it with all our being,
want it urgently,
then the grace of Christ Jesus will enable it to happen.
Maybe we could compose our own little beatitude:
“Blessed are the prepared, for they shall
really see Christ at Christmas.”
Thanks be to God!
Luke 3:1-3
“In the fifteenth year of the reign of
Tiberias Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea, and Herod being
tetrarch of Galilee, and his brother Philip tetrarch of the region of Iturea
and Trachonitis and Lysanias the
tetrarch of Abilene; and during the high-priesthood of Anna and Caiaphas ¾
The word of God happened to John, the son of Zechariah, in the
wilderness. John went into the countryside around the Jordan, preaching a
baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins”.
Unusual phrase? “The word of God happened
to John?”
The word of God is an event, not mere sounds like
the words we tend to speak. God’s word “happens” like (yet unlike) other
happenings. God’s word is a happening replete with unique opportunity.
Luke sets the scene for this word that happened to John.
Just as the real story of your life is set in the
wider context of events that we which we call history, so the story of John the
Baptist is set in the particular context of the history of his time. The Good
News that Luke is keen to share, is about actual, potent events.
This is emphasised by Luke in his reference to the
rulers of that time.
“In the fifteenth year of the reign
of Tiberias Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of
Judea, and Herod being tetrarch of
Galilee, and his brother Philip tetrarch of the region
of Iturea and Trachonitis
and Lysanias the tetrarch of Abilene; and during the high- priesthood of Anna and Caiaphas.
In the fifteenth year of Tiberius
We know much about this Tiberius, successor to that
remarkable first Emperor of Rome named Augustus Caesar. Tiberius was a ruthless
despot. A man of the cruelest kind. Nasty piece of
work! Paranoid! All too real!
In one small corner this evil man’s empire John the
Baptist took up his preaching post by the Jordan. And the word of God happened.
When Pilate was governor of Judea?
Real man. We thought we knew very
little about this governor apart from the New Testament record and references
by the historian Josephus. In the last century archaeologists found his name on
a stone inscription from Governors’ palace at Caesarea (on the sea coast where
the Roman governors spent winter). Pilate was an arrogant Roman Governor of
Judea; rash and heavy handed. Not a cardboard villain to decorate the Christian
story, but a real, historical person.
During the time of Pilate, the hair-shirted John
began baptising those who repented, and the word of God happened.
Herod being tetrarch of the province of Galilee?
Ah yes, we know about him, also from the Roman
records. This is not the same Herod who ruled when Jesus was born, but a less
imposing rogue. A dilettante. He was educated in Rome
and fancied himself as a friend of the Roman court. They “played along” and
were happy to
use him. Again
real person. A
genuine part of history.
In Herod’s time the word of God happened.
Also rating a mention are other men with clout.
Herod’s brother Philip and another tetrarch named
Lysanias, and the high priests Annas and his son-in-law Caiaphas. Here are the
power brokers of that time, whose world is going to be altered by that coming
Messiah, and whose path John the Baptist prepared by word and deed.
The word of God happened to John,
the son of Zechariah, in the wilderness.
John went into the countryside
around the Jordan, preaching a baptism
of repentance
for the forgiveness of sins.
Real events. A
happening. No fable, this; not like the ancient fables of Essop. Not
even a forceful parable this, but real people living in a real world marked by
both darkness and light, and startled by the word of God confronting them.
The same ‘fair dinkum” world we experience. The same “fair dinkum” word
of God which can still happen to us.
John and Jesus, Advent and Christmas, are not
make-believe stuff. They have nothing in common with Disneyland. The pulse of
the Advent message beats through the real bloodstream of this world.
This historicity of the story at the heart of
Christianity is both a joy and a scandal..
It is a
scandal to many people.
(scandalon-- a
stumbling block)
It’s especially a scandal to people who regard
themselves as sophisticated. These would prefer a philosophy, erudite or
homespun, emerging from the brains of proud homo sapeins rather than a faith embedded in
the rock of history. They can argue eloquently and long about philosophy. No
commitment is needed, no repentance demanded.
Philosophers can also cope with myths, ancient and
modern, and discuss myths with majestic learning. But actual persons
confronting them in a real, identifiable world, allow
them limited space in which to manoeuvre; far less opportunity for evading the
relentless call of John to repentance or the invitation of Jesus to inherit the
kingdom of costly love.
Thus this historical nature of Christianity (it is
an ongoing event, not a system of ideas) continues to be problem for many. Jesus knew it would. He warned those who
swarmed around him in the first flush of his Galilean ministry that he would be
the tripping stone (scandalon) on which many would stumble.
Yet it is also
a great joy to many.
This historical ground of Christian faith is the
happening-ness [happiness] to which millions have trusted their lives, and
found it to be indeed “good tidings of great joy.”.
The Christian story delights in a worldly God.The
earthiness of the Gospel declares in unmistakable terms that God is concerned
with, and heavily involved in, our real lives, be it under Herod or Henry V111,
Pilate or President Obama, Tiberius Caesar or Julia Gillard.
Events affecting common people do matter. God is not
only involved with the “top dogs” who carry the political muscle and
bare the fangs. The God of John the Baptist is the real-life God found among
ordinary people and common happenings.
Real life includes ¾
measles and birthday parties, music
festivals and the travail of a woman’s birth-labour,
traffic cops and supermarkets,
dinner parties and AIDS, gardeners and politicians,
slums and terrorists, bingo and
children’s hugs, funeral parlours and comedians,
the rumbling of a didgeridoo
and the gurgling of babies.
The slender thread of our lives spins on amongst
these kind of things. And among these events, large and small, the Advent God
is with us, and for us with redemptive love and power.
Thank you Wise and patient God, for the thorough way
you prepare for all good things:
By your creating Spirit you slowly prepared this
planet earth to become the home of living creatures whom you shaped in your own
Give thanks to
God whose name is love, whose goodness remains forever
You prepared Abraham and Sarah to be the first
covenant people by sending them on a journey, destination unknown.
You prepared Moses to liberate, lead and teach your
people by a letting him live many years
in the wilderness, destination
far off.
Give thanks to
God whose name is love, whose goodness remains forever
You prepared Samuel to be your priest and the
anointer of kings, by giving him the faithfulness of his mother Hannah and a training from childhood in the temple at Shiloh.
You prepared David to be a remarkable king and poet
by the years he spent as a
humble shepherd of his father’s sheep.
Give thanks to
God whose name is love, whose goodness remains forever
You prepared Amos to be your courageous prophet by
the seasons he spent up in the hill country of Tekoa, pruning fruit trees and caring for
You prepared Hosea to understand and to preach the
message of your love, through the painful experience of a failed marriage.
Give thanks to
God whose name is love, whose goodness remains forever
You prepared John the Baptist to be your prophet by
giving him a mother and father of faith, and by (perhaps) training him among
the desert communities of zealous monks.
In the fullness of time you prepared a young woman
named Mary, and a carpenter of integrity called Joseph, to nurture and teach of
your only true Son, Jesus our Saviour.
Give thanks to
God whose name is love, whose goodness remains forever
Thank you, wise and patient God for these acts of
far-sighted and most generous love. Thank you also for your Spirit today,
around and within us, preparing us for things which no eye
has seen nor ear heard.
Your goodness
and love are over all your works. Blessed is your name forever!
# For 2 voices.
Let us pray….
For those arrogant people often found in politics,
business, education, and religion:
that they may be brought low
enough to recognise their dire need and bold enough to trust the adequacy of
the Saviour Christ.
For the lowly folk and the unthanked people, those
easily forgotten and marginalised; the unjustly treated,
and those falsely accused:
that they may receive the
justice of Christ and the dignity of the children of God.
For the rough people, some who injure others without
realising it and those who take a perverse pleasure in making others miserable:
that they may become more aware,
repent and learn the gentle strength of Jesus.
For the crooked characters, the common criminals
that can break into our homes, and those wily ones in business suits who try to
exploit us:
that they may be confronted with
the Saviour who can make the crooked straight and the lost found.
For the church everywhere, and for this congregation
gathered in this house of hospitality:
that we may allow the Spirit of
Christ, through comfort or discomfort, to complete the work so wonderfully
begun in us.
God of faithfullness, your promises can always be
trusted. Help us to trust you now and always, that as we try to love both
neighbours and enemies, and do good to both the just
and the unjust, we may be emboldened, guided, and love-sourced by your Holy
Spirit. Though Christ Jesus our Advent hope;
Go out into this new week, ready to break down the
obstacles and fill up the chasms,
to smooth the rough ways and
straighten the crooked paths,
that the day will draw nearer
when all humanity shall see the salvation of God.
The promise of
Christ inspires us.
The love of
Christ enables us.
May the good God make each climb safe for you,
May the good Christ open each gate for you,
May the good Spirit clear each lane for you,
May both your hands be grasped by God
when you at last arrive home.
( From an old Celtic blessing.