New Book  now Available

        Here is an anthology of over 1100 brief prayers and thought-starters, for each day of the year, with almost 400 original prayers by Bruce Prewer.
        Included is both a subject index and an index of authors-- an ecumenical collection of about 300 different sources.
Prayers for Busy People
        Title:  Brief Prayers for Busy People.
          Author: Bruce D Prewer
        ISBN 978-1-62880-090-6
        Available from Australian Church Resources,
web site
        or by order from your local book shop
        or online on amazon.



Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-21

2 Corinthians 5: 20b to 6:10

Joel 2: 1-2, 12-17

            or Isaiah 58: 1-12

Psalm 51: 1-17





See this! Now is the opportune time!

See this! Now is the day of salvation.


We have come here today to confront evil,

to repent our part in it,

and to celebrate our liberation.


Unworthy though I am, I represent Christ:

as his ambassador I implore you:

be reconciled with your God.




All loving and ever living God, you hate nothing you have made, and you speedily forgive the sins of those who repent. Recreate us, giving new and honest hearts, that we, sincerely repudiating our sins and facing our broken ways, may receive from you, the God of all mercy, a perfect remission and forgiveness. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.



HYMN (Together in Song 703, Martin Nystrom) “As the deer pants for the water”




The Word of God clearly says that genuine repentance commits us to costly decisions about our life style.


Reading from ISAIAH 58: 3-9


 God says: My people complain to me:


We have fasted to please you, Lord,

            but you have not noticed.

We have bowed low to the ground in prayer,

            but you have not troubled to even look.


Tell my people this:


You fast to impress yourselves, not me,

            you fast yet still oppress your employees.

You fast religiously yet remain bullies at heart,

            you are verbally violent or even use your fists.

This fasting of yours is just an act,

            it will never impress me.


Do you really think I care

            if you make a big show of humility?

If you kow-tow to the ground

            and spread sackcloth and ashes?

Do you dare call that a real fast,

            and think I will find it acceptable?


Now listen to me:


This is the kind of fasting I choose:

            cut the bonds of oppression,

            undo the yoke of injustice,

set the oppressed free,

            and break every yoke into pieces.

Share you bread with the hungry

            open your doors to the homeless.

Give your coat to those who shiver,

            and don’t spurn your poorer relatives.


Do this and light shall begin to dawn,

            and very quickly healing shall be yours,

my righteousness shall go ahead of you,

            and my glory shall follow your every step.

Then you will call out for help, and I will answer,

            I will say to you, “Here I am, my child.”

                                                                                                                                                (B.D.Prewer 2006)                   




My sisters and brothers, the words of the prophet Isaiah weigh us, and find us wanting!


Let us “return to the Lord, our God, who is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in unswerving love.” Let us pray together:


                                                * All pray in unison the words of PSALM 51: 1-17


All: Have mercy upon me O God................................................................




It is written: “God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world,

                                                but that through him the world might be saved.”


“Where sin abounds, grace much more abounds.”


In the name of our Saviour, Christ Jesus, I declare to your liberation: “Your sins are forgiven. Go in peace.”




            Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-21




“Be warned: Do not show off your religion in public places, in order to be seen by others. For that there is no reward from your Father in heaven.” Matthew 6: 1


Today you will leave this sanctuary and go out into public places with the sign of ashes on your forehead. Could that be going against the warning given by Jesus?


If it is done ostentatiously, seeking to impress men and women with your religious devotion, then the answer is “yes!”  Take a tissue from your pocket and wipe those ashes off, for God’s sake!


If you wear these ashes humbly, as a reminder to yourself above all of the mercy of Christ, for you a sinner, then the answer is “no!” Keep the tissue in your pocket, for God’s sake, and marked with the ashes go on your way with thanksgiving.


The Bible is very harsh on those whose religion is a side show. Especially very religious types whose treatment of other people lacks respect and compassion. Unless public religious practice is backed up by deeds that reflect the justice and love of God, then such religious performance is damned. Isaiah lambasted such piety. Jesus was no less scathing.


However, in our time, I suspect that these days another danger ranks higher on the list:


Timid, surreptitious faith.


Namely, keeping our faith as a private affair. Hiding our commitment from those with whom we live and work. Not being ready to answer frankly and lovingly when people question us about our faith. Fearing ridicule. Not willing to pay the price of openly taking up our cross and following Jesus through all the challenging scenes of life.


The Lord, who warned us about making a pretentious display of religion, also commanded us to “Let your light so shine before other people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.”


Finding the pure balance between the private and public practice of our faith is not easy. Jesus never said it would be. That does not excuse a religion that cringes when in public places.


Today I offer you a penance for Lent. I ask you to wear your ashes today with both serene contentment and quiet courage, and then throughout these forty days to deny yourself the luxury of timid faith. Deny yourself the luxury of timid faith!


May your Saviour give you the grace to “love mercy, do justly, and to walk humbly with your God.”



                        *the sung response is by Jacques Berthier, Tiaze. Together in Song: 730


Remember, loving God, what you have wrought in us,

and not what we deserve.

            Jesus remember me, when you come into your kingdom.

            Jesus, remember me, when you come into you kingdom.


As your Son have asked us to take up our own cross and follow,

let us neither be timid nor rash disciples.          

            Jesus remember me, when you come into your kingdom.

            Jesus, remember me, when you come into you kingdom.


As you have asked us to truly love each other.

deliver us from shallow sentiment and pretentious piety.

            Jesus remember me, when you come into your kingdom.

            Jesus, remember me, when you come into you kingdom.


As you have called us to be ambassadors of reconciliation,

please make us worthy of that calling;

            Jesus remember me, when you come into your kingdom.

            Jesus, remember me, when you come into you kingdom.


That the poor and the meek may inherit both earth and heaven,

and the merciful obtain much mercy.

            Jesus remember me, when you come into your kingdom.

            Jesus, remember me, when you come into you kingdom.


That the peacemakers may live as children of God,

and those who are persecuted may rejoice and be glad;

            Jesus remember me, when you come into your kingdom.

            Jesus, remember me, when you come into you kingdom.


That those who hunger and thirst may be satisfied

and the pure may come to see God.

            Jesus remember me, when you come into your kingdom.

            Jesus, remember me, when you come into you kingdom.


Remember, loving God, what you have wrought in us,

and not what we deserve.


Through Christ Jesus our Lord.





Let all who humbly acknowledge their fragmented and brief mortal lives,

and place utter dependence on the grace of God in Christ Jesus,

come and receive the sign of ashes.


L:        “Mortal creature, Child of the earth, remember that you are made of dust

                        and to dust you shall return

            but Christ shall give you abundant life.”

P: Amen




HYMN “Jesus we adore you  (Terrye Coelhoe, “Together in Song” 716)




Do right and light shall begin to dawn,

            and very quickly healing shall be yours,

my righteousness shall go ahead of you,

            and my glory shall follow your every step.

Then you will call out for help, and I will answer,

            I will say to you, “Here I am, my child.”


Go in peace to love and serve the Lord,

            and the blessing of the a bountiful God,

            the blessing of a liberating Son,

            and the blessing of a nurturing Spirit,

will be your strength and your joy.





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My Best Mate,  (first edition 2013)

ISBN 978-1-937763-78-7: AUSTRALIA:

ISBN :  978-1-937763-79- 4: USA

Australian Prayers

Third edition May 2014

ISBN   978-1-62880-033-3 Australia

Jesus Our Future

Prayers for the Twenty First Century

 Second Edition May 2014

ISBN 978-1-62880-032-6

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Although this book was written with young people in mind, it has proved to be popular with Christians or seekers of all ages. Through the eyes and ears of a youth named Chip, big questions are raised and wrestled with; faith and doubt,  unanswered  prayers, refugees,  death and grief, racism and bullying, are just a few of the varied topics confronted in these pages. Suitable as a gift to the young, and proven to be helpful when it has been used as a study book for adults.

Australian Prayers has been a valuable prayer resource for over thirty years.  These prayers are suitable for both private and public use and continue to be as fresh and relevant today as ever.  Also, the author encourages users to adapt geographical or historical images to suit local, current situations.

This collection of original, contemporary prayers is anchored firmly in the belief that no matter what the immediate future may hold for us, ultimately Jesus is himself both the goal and the shape of our future.  He is the key certainty towards which the Spirit of God is inexorably leading us in this scientific and high-tech era. Although the first pages of this book were created for the turn of the millennium, the resources in this volume reflect the interests, concerns and needs of our post-modern world.