New Book  now Available

        Here is an anthology of over 1100 brief prayers and thought-starters, for each day of the year, with almost 400 original prayers by Bruce Prewer.
        Included is both a subject index and an index of authors-- an ecumenical collection of about 300 different sources.
Prayers for Busy People
        Title:  Brief Prayers for Busy People.
          Author: Bruce D Prewer
        ISBN 978-1-62880-090-6
        Available from Australian Church Resources,
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Sunday 8


Matthew 6:24-34

1 Corinthians 4: 1-5

Isaiah 49: 8-16a

Psalm 131




People of God, put your hope in God,

today and for evermore.

 O God, don’t let me become uppity,

 or arrogantly lift my eyes too high.


People of God, put your hope in God,

today and for evermore.




Live the moment now, it is unique,

the only time it will be available.

I will calm my soul like a child,

like at child at its mother’s breast


People of small faith, stop worrying,

your heavenly Father knows your needs

before you ask.

I put my hope in God,

today and for evermore.


Do not get anxious about what might happen tomorrow,

today is enough for you to cope with.

I will calm my soul like a child,

like a child at its mother’s breast.




Awesome  God, holy and wholesome is your fatherliness, your motherliness, your sisterliness, and your brotherliness. I trusting our lives to you we find wholesome, abundant life. This morning may we experience your joy, in joy may we find loving, and in loving may we offer that wonder-full worship which is our highest attainment.

Through Christ Jesus our Lord.





It is written: The Lord will bring truth to light, he will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness, and will uncover the truth of each human heart.


My sisters and brothers, let us ask for the Lord to come to us now, that we may be judged by his love and saved from the self-deceit that beguiles us, or from the passive guilt that immobilise us.


Let us pray.


Lord of light and love, let us not be afraid of you.

Come among us and enter into each life:

shine your light, revealing things that  are  crooked or corrupt,

forgive all that is sullen or rebellious,

dismiss our guilt and inertia,

re-awaken each gift and virtue,

stir up our neglected ideals,

and rekindle our passion for loving and serving you

with the delight and liberty of those who know they are redeemed.

For your love’s sake.





My sisters and brothers, it is written that the Lord Jesus said: “Don’t be afraid, it is I; take heart!” “My son, my daughter, your sins are forgiven you. Go in peace.”


Thanks be to God!




Dear Lord Jesus,

if we start worrying over silly things,

show us the good things that are worth our best efforts,


If we start worrying over getting all things right the first time,

show us how to be glad over small successes.


If we start worrying about what might happen tomorrow,

next week or next year,

tell us again that you will always be with us,

our very best Friend who can never be defeated.






O Lord, my heart does not want conceit,

nor my eyes lust for more than is good for me.


I don’t want to fret and worry about questions

too big for my little human mind and soul.


It’s time to calm down, quieten myself,

like a child resting at its mother’s breast,

like a baby, my soul will be at peace.


Come on, you who are children of God!

Put your confidence in your Lord,

trust completely, now and evermore!

                                                                                                                                                            B.D.Prewer 2006




Eternal God, our most holy Friend, let us take time to consider the freedom of the birds of the air, and the beauty of the lilies of the field. Enable us to see your providence undergirding all things, and your redeeming love transforming misfortune into new opportunity. In trusting you without quibble, may we find our peace and our joy. Through Christ, your supreme man of peace.





“I will calm down, quieten my soul,

like a child resting at its mother’s breast,

like a child, my soul will be at peace.” Psalm 131:


Do not keep worrying about tomorrow,

tomorrow must look after itself.

Let today’s troubles be enough for you.  Matthew 6:34


The faith of Jesus is not fairy floss stuff. Please carefully underline his words: Let today’s trouble be enough for you.


Jesus does not promise a carefree existence. He does not say that those who believe in him shall never have anxiety. Each day will bring its obstacles, and with those obstacles comes the question of how to best deal with them: surmount them, go around them, or remove them.


Trouble and anxiety is as old as the human race. From the times when tribes hunted woolly mammoths, giant kangaroos, or were confronted by sabre toothed tigers.


We are familiar with the contemporary wisdom that says that anxiety is rooted in our primitive reaction to threat: flight or fight.  The indecision about which is the best option, creates anxiety. magine our distant ancestors rounding a rock and coming face to face with a sabre-toothed tiger! Sufficient to give anxiety, I would imagine?


Anxiety has not lessened in the 21st century. The shape of the sabre-toothed tigers may have changed, but not the threat. The AIDS pandemic, rumours of the dreaded SARS virus, and terrorist bombings in nightclubs or on public transport, just for starters. The new shape of sabre toothed tigers. Anxiety aplenty.


Add the population explosion creating a plague of Homo sapiens, the ongoing pollution of land, sea and air, changing world temperatures and unpredictable storms, the unholy lust by some for a third world war based on religion, underground spread of nuclear material, tough questions relating to cloning and stem cell research, unemployment and deregulation of commerce and industry, a drastic change in the face of the church in our land, cosmic threats from rogue meteorites, the drug culture, breakdown of family life, and increasing violence against the elderly or handicapped.  Anxiety? You bet!




At this stage in preparing this sermon, I started to chuckle. The chuckle turned into laughter. Such a long lists of threats and troubles! It’s all so ludicrous; a new breed of sabre-toothed tigers on the crouch; in our hospitals, work place and the on public transport. Hiding under our dining tables and stalking us in parklands.  The picture I paint is cartoon stuff! Flight and fight seem equally ineffective. We become so uptight. Worry, worry, worry, and incessantly have bad news to swap with each other.


Then I asked myself, why do I find it humorous? The threats are real? Am I just being a maniac with my laughter? As I thought about this I very quickly eliminated that maniac word; that is one thing I refuse to entertain.


I kept looking for an accurate answer. How was it that I suddenly found I find my list of tigers funny? The answer came clearly: Because of faith. I could see the human predicament as ludicrous, I could laugh, because I have a fixed and safe reference point beyond such threats. There is an ultimate security which no sabre toothed tiger, in any of its contemporary manifestations, can destroy. In spite of my propensity for anxiety, there is a precious gift of faith which places even the worst threat in a Christian perspective. Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.




Jesus knew that anxiety takes over when we serve the wrong masters or too many masters. “You cannot serve both God and Mammon,” he declared. Mammon, the god of possessions, stands for all the things than money can buy.


Too many of us either put our trust in Mammon, or try to have a bet each way: a big wager on Mammon and a fall-back bet on God. That will not work. Divided loyalty breeds more anxiety.


Jesus pointed to the birds of the air. They can only use their wits and rely on God’s providence. He pointed to the lilies of the field. Wild flowers can only rely on God’s rain and sunshine and soil. Anxiety is pointless for a tiny donkey orchid in the bush or a dandelion.


Then came his strong affirmation: First of all seek the realm of God and its right living, and all you want will come to you.  Therefore, do not keep worrying about tomorrow,

tomorrow must look after itself. Let today’s troubles be enough for you.


Fix your first loyalty. With God as our ultimate security, we can forget gloomy predictions of what might happen, and concentrate on living each day to the full. The realm of God is stronger than all evil threats. It is indestructible, and as a citizen of the realm, so will the essential you, your eternal soul.


I repeat something I said last week: Remember that Jesus was a Jew. His spiritual heritage was long and deep. It was grounded in the faithful God of Sarah and Abraham, Moses, Ruth and David, and enriched by the prophets and the Psalm writers.


He would have breathed in the sane words of Psalm 131.


People of God, put your hope in God,

today and for evermore.


“I will calm down, quieten my soul,

like a child resting at its mother’s breast,

like a child, my soul will be at peace.”


He had one Master. No divided loyalties. Jesus knew he could rely on God. Yet this did not mean that disastrous events would not engulf him, but when they did, God’s ultimate purpose for his life would not be annulled.


Dare to chuckle. Dare to laugh. Do not permit the sabre-toothed tigers to bluff you. Stop worrying about tomorrow. Deal with what today brings, do the best you can, that will be sufficient! Then go to bed and sleep within the everlasting arms of God.


Calm down, quieten your soul,

like a child resting at its mother’s breast,

like a child, your soul will be at peace.”





Generous Creator,

loving Saviour,

divine Helper:


We thank you

            that no person anywhere in this world

             is a “nobody” in your sight;

there never has been

and never will be

            an insignificant person.


When you bring a human soul into being,

            you reach deep into your own nature,

            shaping us in your own likeness

            and giving us your own breath.


By your Spirit you adopt us

            into your true family.

You know our thoughts

            and number the hairs on our head.

Through Christ you plant

            eternal words into our minds;

You have shared our blood,

            experienced our sufferings,

            and have lain in a cold tomb.


Wherever one poor child dies

            like just another sparrow

            falling to the ground,

you call out its name

            as a father calls his only child.


Awesome Creator and Redeemer,

            we thank and praise you

            that no person is a “nobody” to you.

Yours is the inclusive kingdom,

            the gracious, embracing power,

            and love’s purest glory,

            for ever and ever.





Prayer for others is a renewing of our commitment to Christ Jesus,

By which we seek the healing of both neighbours and nations.


Let us pray.


While we in quietness bow in prayer, O God,

there are thousands, maybe millions,

from Darwin to Washington,

and from London to Tokyo

who cry to you in our misery and pain.


O you who hear our prayers,

hear now the weakest and bleakest.


O you who hear our prayers,

heal now the broken and forsaken.



O you who hear our prayers,

restore now the dejected and rejected.


O you who hear our prayers,

lift up now the last and the least.


From Sydney to Beirut,

from Nairobi to Los Berlin,

hear our prayer, most Holy Friend.


By your gracious Spirit,

save these others as you are saving us

through the healing and liberating love

of Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour.

In whose name we now pray.





God does not ask us to solve all the world’s problems,

nor even to carry all of a neighbour’s burdens.

God knows our frame, and remembers that we are made of dust.


But we are asked to go out into the world in good spirits,

sharing to the best of our ability

            the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,

            the love of God,

and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.

With God’s help, we will.


God then in peace and joy,

with the blessing of the Companion God

upon you, around you, and within you.





              BY ORDERING ONLINE

My Best Mate,  (first edition 2013)

ISBN 978-1-937763-78-7: AUSTRALIA:

ISBN :  978-1-937763-79- 4: USA

Australian Prayers

Third edition May 2014

ISBN   978-1-62880-033-3 Australia

Jesus Our Future

Prayers for the Twenty First Century

 Second Edition May 2014

ISBN 978-1-62880-032-6

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Although this book was written with young people in mind, it has proved to be popular with Christians or seekers of all ages. Through the eyes and ears of a youth named Chip, big questions are raised and wrestled with; faith and doubt,  unanswered  prayers, refugees,  death and grief, racism and bullying, are just a few of the varied topics confronted in these pages. Suitable as a gift to the young, and proven to be helpful when it has been used as a study book for adults.

Australian Prayers has been a valuable prayer resource for over thirty years.  These prayers are suitable for both private and public use and continue to be as fresh and relevant today as ever.  Also, the author encourages users to adapt geographical or historical images to suit local, current situations.

This collection of original, contemporary prayers is anchored firmly in the belief that no matter what the immediate future may hold for us, ultimately Jesus is himself both the goal and the shape of our future.  He is the key certainty towards which the Spirit of God is inexorably leading us in this scientific and high-tech era. Although the first pages of this book were created for the turn of the millennium, the resources in this volume reflect the interests, concerns and needs of our post-modern world.